Advaita (Non-Duality) for Beginners – Series

What is Non-Duality? How to understand it? How is it relevant? What is the core message?

All is One? But I See Many. Cause and Effect – Part 15

In previous part 14, student attempted to reconcile statement “Ishvara is knowledge” and ignorance. How can the two co-exist! This was clarified by saying that “knowledge” refers to that…


What is Origin or Cause of Ignorance (Avidya)? – Part 14

Previous part 13, discerned difference between Consciousness (Brahman), and world of matter (jagat) which either has status of sentience (creatures) or insentience (rock). Follow conversation attempts to resolve where…


Difference Between Consciousness & Sentiency – Part 13

In previous part 12, we resolved contradiction how can relative-words reveal absolute-reality, when words themselves are limited. Now nature of question turns to resolving differences despite all being One……


Sacred Texts are Valid Means of Knowledge – Part 9

Previous part 8 answered “just how valid are ancient sacred texts in modern society” and how they can free us permanently. However some minds are intoxicated by intellectual superiority….


The Knower, a Self-Conscious Being – Part 5

Students were introduced orders of reality in Part 4 – which has now sparked doubts. So one of students asks… “Do you mean to say we have no independent…


What is Real and Not-Real? – Part 2

Part 1 needs to be understood for this part to make sense. Student posed a question “What is real and what is not real? How do you decide their…