Atma Bodha, Verse 31: The three bodies (gross, subtle, causal) are merely observable phenomena (dṛśyam) as temporary as bubbles in the ocean. True identity transcends these sheaths – one is the pure, limitless Brahman (nirmalam). When self-knowledge is gained, all questions about the five koshas become irrelevant, as one recognizes their distinction from these temporary instruments of expression.
Atma Bodha, Verse 32: Being distinct from the body, one is free from the six stages of physical existence – birth, growth, maturity, decline, and death. The wise understand that bodily changes and sensory decline (like diminished taste, vision, hearing) belong to the body-mind complex, not to the Self. This knowledge doesn't prevent physical changes but reveals one's true nature as unaffected by them.
Verse 31: I am different from all bodies
आविद्यकम् शरीरादि दृश्यम् बुद्बुदवत् क्षरम् ।
एतद् विलक्षणम् विद्यात् अहम् ब्रह्म इति निर्मलम् ॥
āvidyakam śarīrādi dṛśyam budbudavat kṣaram |
etad vilakṣaṇam vidyāt aham brahma iti nirmalam ||
The body, etc, up to the causal body, are perceivable objects, perishable as bubbles. May one know ‘I am different from all these’, I am the ever pure Brahman.
The transient nature of the gross, subtle, and causal bodies – is likened to perishable bubbles in the Ocean. They’re instruments for self-expression.
Suppose teacher has revealed the nature, and student keeps asking “Do I have to do something?”. Where is their identity? Mind. When knowledge takes place, all questions regarding 5 sheaths fall away.
Verse essence: 3 bodies are taken as drishya, and you are Brahman (root brh – big. Not adjective, else it depends on noun it qualifies. Brh is noun; nothing qualifies it; has no boundaries to it’s bigness).
Verse 32: No birth, death, or sense-object connection
देहान्यत्वात् न मे जन्म जरा कार्श्य लयादयः ।
शब्दादि विषयैः सङ्गः निरिन्द्रियतया न च ॥
dehānyatvāt na me janma jarā kārśya layādayaḥ |
śabdādi viṣayaiḥ saṅgaḥ nirindriyatayā na ca ||
I am other than the body, thus for me there is no birth, thinness, old age, death and so on. There is no connection for me with sense objects such as sound etc. as I am without sense organs.
Wise person understands:
For me, there is no birth. Birth is phenomena of the body and mind.
The body is designed to go through 6 stages: Jayate: born > Asti: survives > Vardhate: grows > Viparinamate: full maturity > Apakshiyate: decline and weakness sets in > Vinashyati: death.
The stages show transience of life and your interactions amidst those stages.
Suppose you say “What will happen to me? Will I have any diseases?”. Shows identity in body. By knowing Atma, you’re not stopping the stages, but recognizing stages don’t apply to Me.
Senses decline (EG: glasses in 40’s), cataract, hearing loss, ability to taste is 60% less then when you were in 20's. Knowing Self, doesn’t make the senses better. When wise person has cataract, he goes to hospital to operate eye, not “I”.
Recorded 13 Jan, 2025