Atma Bodha – Summary of Verse 1-34
Atma Bodha says this text is for mumuksu. I’m searching for freedom, and trying to recreate it at level of body-mind, and can’t ever find it there. But it’s an innate desire, thus there must be a solution. Solution is not in how I look at it, but in Pramana. My mind has to be prepared for Pramana.
What is Pramana talking about?
Form/Ishvara: Body-mind is coming from knowledge-power called Ishvara (which has not only put together your form, but all forms in past-present-future).
Maya: Before manifestation, what was there? All knowledge-power in potential (maya).
Brahman: Final truth of knowledge-power is Brahman (which is of nature of sat–cit–ananda).
Pramana shows us Ishvara and Brahman.
How does Atma Bodha show this?
Starts with drk–drsya viveka prarikya, to take you to final Awareness.
If you are sat-cit, how did forms (drishya) come about?
There is a cause (efficient/material cause). Being material cause, it pervades every form.
Material cause is divided into parinami upadana karana (Ishvara: knowledge-power in constant flux to rearrange the universe) and vivarta upadana karana (Brahman: without undergoing any change, it has as-though become the jagat).
How can non-changing reality become forms?
Intervening factor. Without Brahman undergoing change, there is potential to manifest the universe. Potential called maya.
What does maya manifest?
- Physical body: How did knowledge-power become body? 5 elements put together.
- Subtle-body: 5 elements in rudimentary/subtle form.
- Causal Body: Your own karma (unexperienced results of past actions).
3 bodies have become upadhi. Meaning they as-though cover nature of Atma (upahita), thus think body-mind is I.
Looking into upadhi deeper:
How does body-mind as-though cover nature of Atma, thus mistake it for Self? We make 5 kinds of errors. At level of body (modification of food), prana (energy/physiology), mind (I am one who has emotions / experiencers), buddhi (doer/knower), anandamaya (enjoyer).
How do you become a doer/experiencer?
There is vrtti (I know this, I do this). We miss it’s unchanging content. Wherever the doer/enjoyer is, its content (Atma) is there too.
How does Pramana work?
It negates adhyasa. But also has to show (remove avidya) nature of Atma via mahavakya.
Verse 34:
Atma is attribute-free. Ever pure.
Recorded 13 Jan, 2025