2C – Atma Bodha (Self-Knowledge): How to Recognize Awareness in Everything


The world appears real (like silver appearing on mother-of-pearl) until Brahman, the non-dual substratum (adhiṣṭhānam) of all, is known. This ignorance (avidyā) leads to superimposition (adhyāsa). Using satya-mithyā inquiry, we trace reality from empirical forms through quantum physics to Īśvara (all-knowledge/power) and finally to Brahman (satyamjñānamanantam). Īśvara manifests and governs the universe while remaining free of it, and its truth is Brahman (pure Awareness).

Verse 7: World appears real until Brahman is known

तावत् सत्यम् जगत् भाति शुक्तिकारजतम् यथा ।
यावत् न ज्ञायते ब्रह्म सर्वाधिष्ठानम् अद्वयम् ॥
tāvat satyam jagat bhāti śuktikārajatam yathā |
yāvat na jñāyate brahma sarvādhiṣṭhānam advayam ||

The world will continue to appear to be real, like the mother of pearl is taken to be silver; as long as Brahman, which is the substratum of all and one without a second, is not known.


  • Verse 6 purpose was to demonstrate how dream (subjective reality / pratibhasika) is taken as absolute.
  • Verse 7 shows after coming out of the subjective reality of a dream, we think this empirical reality (vyavaharika) is absolute.

Satya-Mithya Prakriya to Arrive to the Final Substance of the Universe:

Verse is saying, due to ignorance of Brahman (satya), I superimpose on it “world”. So this raises the question… what is the relationship between Ignorance (Avidya) & Superimposition (Adhyasa):

There is Avidya (Ignorance) > Not knowing nature of the shell > Result is the shell appears to silver. Therefore, Avidya causes Adhyasa.

Meaning: What is a subjective reality (pratibhasika), seems like absolute reality. And what is empirical reality (vyavaharika), seems like absolute reality. In both cases, the absolute reality (paramarthika) is missed out. But so what?…

When missing out on THE Reality is Consequential or Inconsequential:

    • Inconsequential: Not knowing nature of Black hole or species of birds.
    • Consequential: Don’t know nature of Atma (due to ignorance) > leads to Superimposition > “I’m small, and world is taken to be absolute, full of juicy objects/aspirations, which will make me full”. OR “I want to detach from world as it’s giving me too much discomfort.”   Fact that we’re constantly trying to get out of discomfort, shows I’m seeing the attractive/scary silver, and not the ordinary shell.

Therefore to Remove Adhyasa, attack Avidya: Thus Vedanta isn’t attacking Adhyasa (effect) but Avidya (it’s cause). Until you attack ignorance, the empirical reality (vyavaharika) & subjectivity (pratibhasika) will seems like absolute.

How to Correct Ignorance Leading to Superimposition? Using Satya-Mithya Inquiry Process:

I see silver (subjective reality). But empirically there is shell. Meaning ignorance of shell leads to silver.  But even if see a shell, we stop at shell. Going one step further…

Domain of Science:

Shell is made of minerals. Can’t find Minerals (mithya), as they’re made of molecules (satya). Can’t fine Molecules (mithya), as they’re made of atoms (satya). Then going further…

Atoms > Particles > Quarks (final satya in quantum mechanics).

Quantum physics stops here (who also understand satya-mithya relationship) because their methods are perception/inference based. Thus they’re still grappling with the final building block, which isn’t an object available to perception/inference.  If you’re looking for final satyam in an object, you’ll never find it.

Advaita Vedanta Adds Two More Realities (Ishvara & Brahman) Missing in Field of Quantum Physics or Science:

Causeless cause: Fact is you see a shell, it’s reality has to end somewhere. Can’t go on forever (infinite regression), else there will be no shell. Meaning it has to have one caseless cause (adhisthana: substratum as used in verse – the final building block of universe). Final cause has to (a) Exist, else shell wouldn’t exist, and (b) Be a causeless cause, meaning it doesn’t depend on something else (meaning it’s the final building block). How to arrive to it?…

Ishvara: All-knowledge, All-power.
    • Definition:
      • FORMS: Ishvara (all knowledge, all power). There is power in universe which brings into manifestations the quark, which puts itself together to particle > atom, etc.
      • LAWS: It’s also laws governing interactions of those forms: When look at human being, within you’ll find all laws governing your biology, growth, psychology, physiology. And these laws are not restricted to one body, but present everywhere. And every form born within the laws, is governed by those laws.
    • Analysis Leading to Ishvara:
      • Quark intelligently organizes to become particle.
      • Particles intelligently organizes to become atom.
      • Atoms > minerals > shell > brain (even more complex). That’s why there is more knowledge to study in brain, then shell, because more intelligence involved.
    • Observations:
      • At certain point there is similarity or oneness (up to atoms). Then each successive assembly becomes more complex.
      • Vedanta shows that Ishvara (knowledge/power) is the final building block. And at every level of hierarchy, it’s also knowledge/power. EG: Common man sees body as body. Doctor sees more knowledge, and less “body”.
    • What is Ishvara?
      • Ishvara is in form of knowledge-power which has potential to manifest universe, and through different laws, it governs interaction of everything. Depending on potential you collapse, there is consequence.
      • All knowledge-power in which all possibilities exist.
    • Ishvara is Free of What It Manifests:
      • Clay pervades entire pot. At same time, remains free from attributes of pot. Size/dimensions belongs to pot. Same applies at level of Atom. It creates both a germ and anti-bodies that kill that germ. Atom is free of both. Similarly, Ishvara manifests as universe, remaining free of universe (problems, sorrow, joys, atoms, etc).
    • Is Isvara an Entity?
      • It’s infinite knowledge in which infinite possibilities exist, and are constantly collapsed. Because it’s not an entity, Ishvara has no purpose, nor is testing you, nor has decided anything. As Ishvara constantly reshuffles according to how objects interact within orders. Thus there’s no fixed destiny.

There is one more reality, that’s more fundamental then knowledge-power…

Awareness (Adhisthana / Brahman): Truth of everything.

    • Nature: satyamjnanamananta.
      1. Existence (satyam): But it’s not like finite-object-existence. But absolute existence from which all finite existences come. Not coming-going like object-existence.
      2. Awareness (jnanam): Wherever there is knowledge-power, exactly there is Awareness.
      3. Ananta (Without a Second): It’s not limited to any one object.
    • Without awareness, can there be knowledge? No. While awareness is independent of knowledge.
    • After recognizing Ishvara and Brahman, suppose you ask “Why is there a universe?”. The question implies there is a universe. But it's is nothing but Intelligence whose truth is Awareness.

Frequently Seen Arrogance In Vedanta That Needs Correction:

Arrogance is produced in one's personality when you skip Ishvara, dismissing it as “mithya“. What happens is, You (satya) become bigger then Ishvara.

Correction:  Ishvara knows it’s truth as Brahman. Teaching is from Ishvara to jiva. And Ishvara is not teaching you “I, Ishvara, am bigger then you (jiva)”. Ishvara is teaching, “Where you see difference, there is Me (Isvhara). And wherever I (Iswara) am, there my truth is (satyamjnanamanantabrahma). Thus you (jiva) are pervaded by both Me (Ishvara) and my truth (Awareness)”. Wherever there is form, there is Ishvara making that form what it is. Wherever there is Ishvara, it’s truth as Brahman is there. Thus you can’t go straight to Brahman, as you can only relate to forms (which are Ishvara).


Until know adhisthanam is non-dual Brahman, then jagat will seem like adhisthana. Like how silver is mistaken for shell. So when see non-dual Brahman, then the question “Why this world? Or why do we have this creation” doesn’t arise.


Recorded 9 Jan, 2025

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