Atma Bodha, Verse 9 introduces the relationship between unchanging Brahman and the changing universe through two types of material causes (upādāna-kāraṇa): vivarta (producing effect without change, like Brahman/gold) and pariṇāmi (undergoing change to produce effects, like Īśvara‘s intelligence constantly reorganizing). Brahman‘s potential power (māyā) manifests as Īśvara, while Brahman remains unchanged as vivarta-upādāna-kāraṇa. This manifestation is proven by: (1) the intelligent organization of the universe showing pre-existing potential, and (2) ongoing manifestation of future potential (like tomorrow's events). The verse uses gold-ornament analogy to show how one substance can appear as many forms without losing its nature. The complete reality is simultaneously present here and now: we can observe physical forms (like bodies, objects), which are pervaded by manifested intelligence/knowledge-power (Īśvara organizing and governing these forms), which contains unmanifest potential for future manifestations (māyā), all of which are illumined by ever-present Awareness (Brahman). This makes Vedānta not a historical account or theoretical model, but a means to recognize what is directly available for investigation in our immediate experience.
Verse 9: All beings are in Brahman
सच्चिदात्मनि अनुस्यूते नित्ये विष्णौ प्रकल्पिताः ।
व्यक्तयः विविधाः सर्वाः हाटके कटकादिवत् ॥
saccidātmani anusyūte nitye viṣṇau prakalpitāḥ |
vyaktayaḥ vividhāḥ sarvāḥ hāṭake kaṭakādivat ||
In the self whose nature is existence, consciousness, that which is all pervading, upon that timeless Viṣṇu is all the variety of living beings superimposed. Just like the variety of ornaments are (superimposed upon) gold.
Logistics so far:
- So far we answered (a) who you are – Awareness, (b) Nature of Ishvara – all knowledge-power, and (c) Ishvara’s true nature is also Awareness. This verse speaks of Maya, which answers what accounts for manifestation.
- Verse 1-9 covers crux of Vedanta. Verse 10+ adds precision/nuances.
Two types of Material cause (upadana-karana):
Purpose of teaching: Brahman being the material of all things, doesn’t undergo change. Yet the world is undergoing changes. Thus need to answer how is Brahman both unchanging and cause of the changing universe.
- Definition: Without undergoing change, it produces an effect. EG: Gold undergoes no change to become ornaments.
- Category of Sat-cit-ananda (Brahman): Existence which is of nature of Awareness, which is limitless. Though Awareness is the content/material of each thought/object, it never changes.
- Definition: Cause undergoes change to produce effects. EG: Milk (material cause) has become curd (effect). Don’t find milk anymore, only curd (effect).
- Category of Ishvara (All knowledge, All power / Intelligence / Cause of universe)
- Intelligence is constantly reshuffling/reorganizing itself to manifest as forms we see and account for constant changes (like forms interacting / when free will is exercised). EG: Ball moving = Intelligence has to reorganize itself to keep producing new moments. Meaning Intelligence always remains Intelligence (never becomes any effect within the universe). It never goes away (unlike milk).
- Ishvara knows Self: Ishvara knows all-knowledge-power is My incidental reality, while My absolute reality is satcitananda. While Jiva doesn’t know either knowledge-power nor sat-cit.
If Brahman is actionless/unchanging, how did universe come without Brahman undergoing any change?
If Awareness underwent any change, any time, wouldn’t find Awareness when doing drk-drsya-viveka. EG: Objects, sight, mind changes. Presence observing change of mind is here.
Let’s explain via Dream example, then we’ll apply to macrocosm:
- Purpose of dream example: For mind to reach the absolute is difficult, so imagery is created. Although no example can sufficiently point to absolute. EG: Can’t say just like jiva is dreaming his world, similarly Ishvara is dreaming this world. Else turns Ishvara into entity.
- Dream Example: Without undergoing any change, you have potential to create dream world. Without you, there’s no potential (to create dream). Right now, capacity to dream is in potential. Tonight the potential will manifest. In reference to dream, you are called “Cause of Dream” (Ishvara / God).
- In dream, your potential is constantly manifesting-unmanifesting. In this sense, potential = parinami-upadana-karana. While you (conscious one throughout dream) = vivarta-upadana-karana.
Converting Dream example to Final Reality:
- Sat-cit has potential (which is of nature of all-knowledge, all-power). Potential can manifest as the universe. Potential has to be of nature of knowledge-power, because you can’t manifest an intelligently put together universe, without intelligence.
- All-Knowledge-power in potential is called maya. When potential manifests as universe, the same all-knowledge-power, gets another name called Ishvara (cause of universe). REMINDER: Wherever mithya (Ishvara) that’s where Satyam (Awareness) is. To relate to form is to relate to Ishvara, is to relate to Awareness.
- Why different names (maya/Ishvara)? Explaining phenomena of One reality from 2 standpoints.
- In manifestations, sentient beings come, called jivas (experiencing through objects, accumulating karma).
- Summary:
- Brahman’s all-knowledge-power potential is called maya.
- When knowledge-power-in-potential manifests, that same knowledge-power is called Ishvara (which is both both nimitta-karana and parinami-upadana-karana).
- Can also say, when Brahman’s maya is manifesting, then Brahman is called Ishvara. And despite manifestations, Brahman remains vivarta-upadana-karana.
Example of Potential converting to Manifest:
- In C.U, CH6: Apple seed will only produce apple tree, and not mango tree. Inside seed there is knowledge of how tall tree will grow, its nutritional value, fruit color. When seed sprouts, that intelligence inside has undergone changes from potential-Intelligence to manifested-intelligence.
- Deep sleep: When dream is not there, there is potential for it in deep sleep. That potential manifests in dream.
How do I know unmanifest potential (maya) was there before universe came?
- Belief vs Knowledge: If can’t show it now, then maya remains belief. But if can show it now, then maya matter of knowledge or fact.
- How to show? Two ways:
- Intelligent-potential was there before universe came, because everything in universe is intelligently put together, and interdependent on another. Is intelligent-potential scripted? It is (a) based on a prewritten script, and (b) unwritten script. EG: When cell damage occurs, it will be repaired according to set laws. When jiva gives a speech, it causes people to think differently, to make new decisions.
- Universe has only unfolded for 14 billion years. Meaning tomorrow (maya-potential) is there. EG: Covid is maya in 2015. Computer is maya in 1500’s. Dream is maya in deep sleep.
- Conclusion: All-knowledge-power potential (undifferentiated) was there before universe, and is still here now, unfolding each day (differentiated). It’s not like once the universe came, the potential was exhausted. The potential for tomorrow hasn’t come yet. IE: What will connect today and 100 years from now? Knowledge-power in potential.
Closing of Verse:
Verse says, saccidātmani anusyūte nitye viṣṇau prakalpitāḥ
Question: If final reality hasn’t undergone any change, how did this universe come? Answer: Sat-cit is prakalpitāḥ. It has potential to manifest universe. Potential must have knowledge-power. Why? Because everything in universe is intelligently put together, thus knowledge-power must precede universe.
Meanwhile you don’t see sat-cit, maya, Ishvara. Only see forms. What Vedanta shows is sat-cit, maya, Ishvara – not as something that was once-upon-a-time, but right here and now.
Meaning in this moment, you’ll find: forms, knowledge-power, knowledge-power in potential, Awareness. This makes Vedanta a means-of-knowledge, and not belief.
Essence of Verse:
Just like the variety of ornaments are (superimposed upon) gold. [From standpoint of gold, there’s no ornaments]. From standpoint of sat-chit, there’s no creation. Because sat-cit is cause of everything and hasn’t undergone any change. It’s potential gets manifested into universe. EG: Gold became ornaments without undergoing change. However, example is limited as gold is an object, while Awareness is the subject.
Recorded 10 Jan, 2025