Enlightenment is Not an Event Because It’s Not Subject to Time
According to Upanishads (the original source of non-dual texts), Brahman/Atman/Self is an ever true fact. Thus that which was true before, true now and true in the future —…
According to Upanishads (the original source of non-dual texts), Brahman/Atman/Self is an ever true fact. Thus that which was true before, true now and true in the future —…
Vedas are divided into 4 sections: (1) Rig Veda, (2) Yajur Veda, (3) Sāma Veda, (4) Atharva Veda. Each each section is further divided into 2 parts. Part 1 called…
Four interviews by James Swartz – a scholar of Vedic philosophy…
What a wise person (jnani) knows directly – can be summarized in below Adi Shankaracharya’s words. Which is why there is NO GAIN for a jnani to argue or…
Bhagavad-Gītā says that we have five sense organs of knowledge (seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, tasting); these are very subtle. Example: Organ of seeing is a lot more subtle then…
Persons false notion about reality is called jiva srishti (Jīva-Sṛṣṭi). It is seeing what is NOT. It is subjective notions born of Ignorance. It is misapprehension/projection onto Ishvara (God)….
A common question by a person with Self-Knowledge: “Having done shravanam and manana, it’s clear I am Brahman. But in my behavior I do not find myself, ‘I am…
Bhaja Govindaṃ was written by Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya. Bhaja govindaṃ is one of the minor compositions of the spiritual giant, Adi Shankaracharya. It is classified as a prakaraṇa grantha,…
Our ancient teachers have left behind a treasury of useful and convenient means of understanding Vedānta, the science of life, contained in the prasthana traya. Mainly in the Bhagavad Gīṭa,…
Following seven stages present an order every human being, including you, goes through or is going through — until one recognizes the Absolute Truth — otherwise called enlightenment. Ignorance…
Śruti (Scriptures), the Vedas is the only means of knowledge to understand nondual Brahman – I am the limitless reality I seek. Above statement doesn’t exclude Scriptures from other…
Have you ever stopped to think about the nature of your existence? Advaita Vedanta, a profound Indian spiritual tradition rooted in the Indian scriptures, offers a universal and pragmatic…
Object-happiness (viṣaya-ānanda) is a name given to a phenomenon that naturally occurs in the subtle body. Brahman is of the nature of sat-cid-ānanda (Existence-Awareness-Fullness). Although Brahman pervades the entire…
Firstly, in this context, self-Knowledge is NOT referring to moksha (permanent freedom, enlightenment, liberation). It is a means to moksha. Self-knowledge is a though keeping with what-is — that is…
Advaita Vedanta declares, “Brahma satyam, jagat mithyā, jīvaḥ brahma eva na aparaḥ” — Brahman (the limitless Consciousness) alone is real, the world (as we perceive it) is mithyā (not…
Understanding the Core Obstacle The biggest obstacle to effortlessly and permanently enjoying your true nature as Brahman (awareness) — is the identity of self is intimately mixed-up with your…
This is not a popular topic because most of us are wanting shortcuts. Unfortunately like all valuable things in life, freedom is earned by diligent work. To make the…