1. Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12 – Nondual Devotion – Examples & Methods of Advaita Bhakti Yoga


Introduction: The Bhagavad Gita, while not part of the Vedas, presents Upanishadic knowledge through Krishna's teachings to Arjuna, addressing both practical challenges of living and the path to permanent fulfillment. Upanishads has two meanings, literal (“sitting near a teacher”) and deeper meaning (destroying ignorance to realize the Self).

Chapter 12, Verse 1: The verse addresses the fundamental question of spiritual practice – whether to pursue direct contemplation of Brahman (absolute reality) or devotion to Ishvara (the Lord). Both paths are interconnected, not separate. A wave claiming “I am water” while maintaining separateness from other waves shows incomplete understanding. True spiritual growth requires transforming one's relationship with the world by recognizing the underlying order and intelligence (Ishvara), which helps shed the sense of isolated individuality. 

Chapter 12, Verse 2: Ishvara is the all-pervading intelligence manifesting as universal laws and forms. This intelligence is visible in physical laws (gravity), biological systems (healing), psychological patterns, and interconnected cause-effect relationships. Understanding Ishvara transforms one from being a mere consumer to a contributor in the cosmic order. Without recognizing Ishvara, one may fall into self-blame, victimhood, or arrogance. True devotion involves seeing the divine intelligence operating in every aspect of existence – from cellular processes to cosmic phenomena.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12 – Bhakti Yoga
Nondual Devotion


What does it mean to say “I’m studying Vedanta?”

Vedanta means Veda (Book of Knowledge) + Anta (End of Veda is Upanishads).

The word “Upanishad” has two meanings…

  1. Implied/Deeper Meaning:
    1. Upa: That which is Near. Nearest is Self.
    2. Ni: Short for “Niscayatmika”, Well-ascertained. Can also mean “down”.
    3. Sat: From root “sad” with 3 meanings (a) to disintegrate (b) to destroy (c) to reach (d) sit.
    4. Full meanings: Act of destroying ignorance to reach the truth. Means by which ignorance is destroyed, thereby ascertaining that which is the nearest of the nearest, which is the Self.
  2. Literal Meaning:
    • Sitting down near a teacher.

What do Upanishads give me?

  • All know “I am”, but don’t know it as it is, because it’s loaded with false notions. Upanishads makes you see “I” in true light.
  • Removes:
    • Empirically-small-I. Which produces general sense of limitation, inadequacy, seeking.
    • Personal opinions formed from being an empirically-small-I. EG: Fear/sadness.
  • Thus Upanishads helps you ascertain nature of I, which removes empirical/subjective smallness.

What place does Bhagavad Gita have in Vedanta?

  • Gita is dialogue between Arjuna/Krishna in Mahabharata. It’s not part of Vedas. However Krishna teaches Arjuna same knowledge as in Upanishads. That’s why in last verse “srimad bhagavatgitasu…”.

Why does BG occupy prominent place in Vedanta?

Arjuna was successful, privileged, and his life is still not working out. We can relate to this. He ask two universal questions, (a) How to handle relative challenges in life? (b) What will give me permanent fulfilment?

Krishna in response teaches how to free from yourself from loads, which makes you eligible for knowledge.

Gita switches back-forth between reality and how to use knowledge in living.

Comparisons of Vedanta Schools:

We are teaching Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12 in light of nondualism or Advaita bhakti yoga. Here's a progression how one naturally progresses in their journey of maturity…

  1. Dvaita Bhakti / School:
    • Jiva-Jiva-bheda.
    • Jiva-Jagat-bheda.
    • Jiva-Ishvara-bheda.
    • Individual is different from jiva/universe/Ishvara.
  2. Vishishtadvaita Bhakti / School: (Qualified non-duality)
    • Everyone is Ishvara (meaning there is Oneness). Within Ishvara, we are individuals different from total. Ocean is always bigger then wave.
  3. Advaita Bhakti / School:
    • Doesn’t totally deny Jiva-Jiva-bheda, Jiva-Jagat-bheda, Jiva-Ishvara-bheda. Acknowledges Ocean, and says we’re waves within the Ocean. But when looks at Ocean and wave, recognizing both are Water. Thus there is difference, but from standpoint of Water, there’s no second entity. Is water less in Wave then in Ocean? No. Every drop has entire H2O.

Logistics of Classes:

Atma Bodha (which needs to be taken along with this course) talks about Brahman. Bhagavad Gita, CH12 is all about Ishvara (the Lord).


Contemplate on the Lord or Brahman. Which is better?

अर्जुन उवाच
एवम् सतत-युक्ताः ये भक्ताः त्वाम् पर्युपासते ।
ये च अपि अक्षरम् अव्यक्तम् तेषाम् के योग-वित्तमाः ॥ १२-१॥
arjuna uvāca
evam satata-yuktāḥ ye bhaktāḥ tvām paryupāsate ।
ye ca api akṣaram avyaktam teṣām ke yoga-vittamāḥ ॥ 12-1॥

Arjuna said: In this manner, (there are) those devotees who, abidingly committed, meditate upon you [Ishvara] and also (there are) those who seek you as one who is not subject to decline and not available for objectification [Brahman]. Who among them are the greatest knowers of yoga?

Arjuna’s Question:

As lover of Truth, should we:

    1. Contemplate on nature of I (Brahman)? Or…
    2. Enter into relationship with Ishvara (cause of universe). Meaning bring Ishvara into every aspect of your life to change how you relate with the world, to help diminish my judgements / black-white-thinking, blaming, negativity, suspicion towards the world… so my mind is healthy to accurately ascertain Brahman?

Summary: Should you inquiry into absolute reality (focus on Water) — or enter into relationship with Ishvara (Ocean)? Which is better?


They’re not two separate pursuits. Wave can say “I’m water” (which is a fact), but if it’s relationship with other waves isn’t changing, that shows Wave still sees itself different from Water.

Applying to you:

Where you (wave) see chaotic world – there are connections, infallible laws operating, and intelligence making all things (laws and forms) what they are. This recognition makes you nobler – which sheds loads, self-blame, negativity (which are effects of feeling isolated from a larger order).

Therefore first step is to re-understand your relationship with this world and Cause of Universe (Ishvara). It helps shed sense of individuality (recognizing you’re not outside the order). You become less of a taker and more of a contributor. Consequently, dissatisfaction & complaints go down, and mind becomes more nuanced.

2 Levels of Devotion Lead You to Ascertaining the Reality:
    • Level 1 (Vishishtadvaita): Wave acknowledges that every wave is intimately related and dependent on Ocean. If count all waves, there is only Ocean. Thus Ocean becomes my true love, my guide, best friend, my saviour.
    • Level 2 (Advaita): Wave can devote to any other wave, or entire Ocean. But knows, the devotee and devoted are Water alone.  Progression from Level 1 owing to subtler mind.

NEXT VERSE: Defining Ishvara…


Definition of Ishvara. What is “God”? – Part 1

श्रीभगवान् उवाच
मयि आवेश्य मनः ये माम् नित्य-युक्ताः उपासते ।
श्रद्धया परया उपेताः ते मे युक्ततमाः मताः ॥ १२-२॥
śrībhagavān uvāca
mayi āveśya manaḥ ye mām nitya-yuktāḥ upāsate ।
śraddhayā parayā upetāḥ te me yuktatamāḥ matāḥ ॥ 12-2॥

Śrī Bhagavān said: Endowed with unflinching faith, their minds committed to Me, being ever united (with Me), those who meditate upon Me are considered by Me as the most exalted.

Krishna is referring to Himself (“Me”) as Ishvara, and not Brahman (due to context of CH12). So he is first helping Arjuna relate to Ishvara before Arjuna can understanding Brahman.

Reason why relating to Ishvara (God) is important before fully grasping Brahman (Awareness):

We start out by carrying false conclusions about the world. For example, world doesn’t treat us well, making us see it unfair or random. You also hear other’s stories that reinforces negativity. Just surviving strengthens the “me, me, me” orientation.

This leads to:

    • Discomfort towards the world (which is manifestation of Ishvara, whose truth is Brahman).
    • Loss of faith towards people and world.
    • Reinforces “me vs. them” mentality (dvaita).

Quickest pseudo-solution is to dismiss the “unfair world” and live in artificial dispassion (which looks wise on the outside).

Can't say “I am Brahman” while saying “unfair world is not Me”.

Conclusion: Only when world is pleasantly perceived, you are willing to analyse its status deeper. Otherwise complaints take up most of the time.

Understanding Ishvara’s Nature:

Ishwara is the intelligence manifesting as laws and forms governed by those laws. It is also possibilities that are collapsed by your choices. Isvara is not a fixed entity but an intelligence that constantly reshuffles itself to account for the changes happening in universe.

Recognizing Ishvara in Daily Life:

To appreciate the invisible intelligence appearing as the world, we can begin by looking at:

  1. Laws:
    • Did you have any part putting together your body? If you did, surely you would have made some changes. The body & world is subject to physical, chemical, biological, genetic, physiological, and psychological laws. These laws are manifestations of Ishvara’s intelligence.
    • EG:
      • Milk teeth at age 5-6, Birth at 9 months.
      • Scar > body stops bleeding, forms a scab.
      • Honeycomb structure, structurally strong. We use in laptops.
      • Migrating birds fly in V shape. Because bird behind benefits from vortex created by front bird. Reduces drag. Airbus copied, reducing fuel consumption 10-15%.
    • Education: When study laws of physics, biology, psychology – you are studying Īśvara.
    • Physical Order: When you understand/apply physics, such as gravity for greater good, you are working with Ishvara’s laws. EG: Building a bridge requires knowledge of physical laws, and successful construction is Īśvara's feedback.
    • Biological Order: Understanding human body's physiology and applying the knowledge to heal is working with the laws that sustain the body. Body's response to treatment is Ishvara’s feedback. Similarly, when plant a seed and water it, and it grows into a plant, you are activating Ishvara’s laws. EG: You see body, but doctor sees knowledge.
    • Psychological Order: Recognizing and helping yourself to release from unhelpful emotions and thoughts, is aligning with Īśvara’s psychological order.
  2. Scientists / Atheists:
    • Scientists study these laws, though they may not call it God or the Lord. For example, biologists examine genetics, and ophthalmologists study the intricate design of the eye. All of them are exploring the underlying intelligence that governs the universe, even if they don’t label it as Ishwara.
  3. Cause-effect Relationships / Connections Between Things:
    • What remembers your present action to future result lifetimes later? What connects today to tomorrow? Certainly not any one person, but the invisible laws which are manifestation of this intelligence (Ishvara).
    • Ancient cyanobacteria produced oxygen billions of years ago.
    • Extinction of dinosaurs allowed mammals to thrive
    • Act of eating involves countless individuals and processes, from farmers to transporters to cooks.
    • Sun connected to Earth, plants, beings.
    • A tornado connected to extreme wind > generated by pressure differences (heavy/light) on Earth's surface > differences are caused by uneven heating of the surface > caused by Sun.

Consequence of not bringing Ishvara into our lives:

When we fail to recognize this intelligence manifesting as laws and forms, we may think, “I’m not doing enough to help myself” (leading to self-blame), or “I’m being punished” (victim) or “I’m lucky” (leads to arrogance). All cases create dissatisfaction. And only way to deal with dissatisfaction (as unable to explain apparent disorder) is to escape it and seek refuge in Brahman.

How can we integrate presence of Ishvara into daily life?

  • Understand Ishvara encompasses from smallest particle to the vast cosmos. Nothing is separate from Ishwar bhagwan. Involves recognizing your total dependence on Ishvara, which is neither unfair nor fair – but an impersonal order giving you feedback.
  • Recognizing interconnectedness: By recognizing this interconnectedness, we transform from consumers (focused on “me, my growth, my skills”) to contributors. This shift brings about emotional unloading, a healthier self-image, and a more meaningful life. We begin to feel more connected and cheerful, recognizing how many things are participating to your well-being.

NEXT VERSE: What is Ishvara, part 2…


Recorded 8 Jan, 2025

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