2. Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 12, Verse 3-4: What is God (Bhagavan-Ishvara)? How to Devote to the Lord?


Chapter 12, Verses 3-4: Ishvara is the all-pervading intelligence (sarvajna-sarvashakti) that manifests as universal laws and forms. This intelligence organizes itself at every level – from atomic to cosmic. It's not merely “all-loving” or “all-beneficent” as these attributes would reduce its true nature. The intelligence manifests in three types of differences (sajatia, vijatiya, svagata bheda). One cannot bypass Ishvara to reach Brahman, as this intelligence is what lifts the veil of ignorance through alignment with its laws. The truth of both Jiva (individual) and Ishwara is ultimately Brahman, but this realization comes only after settling accounts with the world through proper understanding of Iswara.

VERSE 3-4:
Definition of Īśvara. What is “God”? – Part 2

ये तु अक्षरम् अनिर्देश्यम् अव्यक्तम् पर्युपासते ।
सर्वत्रगम् अचिन्त्यम् च कूटस्थम् अचलम् ध्रुवम् ॥ १२-३॥
ye tu akṣaram anirdeśyam avyaktam paryupāsate ।
sarvatragam acintyam ca kūṭastham acalam dhruvam ॥ 12-3॥

सन्नियम्य इन्द्रिय-ग्रामम् सर्वत्र सम-बुद्धयः ।
ते प्राप्नुवन्ति माम् एव सर्व-भूत-हिते रताः ॥ १२-४॥
sanniyamya indriya-grāmam sarvatra sama-buddhayaḥ ।
te prāpnuvanti mām eva sarva-bhūta-hite ratāḥ ॥ 12-4॥

However, those who contemplate upon that which is not subject to decline, indefinable, not available for objectification, all pervasive, not an object of thought, which is the truth of māyā, does not move and is eternal… …those who have complete mastery over the group of sense organs, who are always equal minded and take delight in the welfare of all beings, gain Me.


  • Arjuna Question: Arjuna’s initial question was, “Who are the best yogis — those who know you as Brahman or Ishvara?”. Question presupposes, if you think of Ishvara, you're missing out on Brahman.
  • Krishna Response: Krishna in Verse 2 said to think of Me as Ishvara. But in verse 3-4, he says, “While you’re thinking of Me as Ishvara, know my truth is Brahman“. So how is Ishvara connected to Brahman?

Let’s look into Ishvara deeper:

Ishvara is sarvajna-sarvashakti (all knowledge, all power):

“All knowledge, all-power” are not attributes of Ishvara, but DEFINING words.  For example, if Ishvara is “love”, then love should be everywhere (since Ishvara is everywhere). Then must attribute bad qualities to devil.

Meaning, if you think you’re praising Ishvara as “all loving, all beneficent” — you’re reducing it.

Isvara is Intelligence — which is intelligently organizing itself — thereby making every form what it is:

Ishvara is intelligence that manifests as all laws (biological, psychological, karma, dharma present in every living organism) and forms governed by those laws.

Particles which need to organize intelligently to form atoms. Atoms come together to form molecules.

Molecules > cells > organs have to organize to form a working body. Thus knowledge-power is intervening at every level.

Recognizing this, you’re never unconnected to Intelligence. It removes sense of isolation or loneliness.

Present in “Inert” things too:

In Vedic culture, there’s no inert things. All is pervaded by intelligence.


      • Intelligent placement of earth to sun. Planets orbit around sun remains constant.
      • Plant nutrients needed by our bodies.
      • Lifecycle of water.
Intelligence manifests as infinite differences you see:

There are 3 types of differences…

      1. Sajatia bheda: Within one group (EG: mango tree), there’s variety (EG: honey gold, kent mangoes).
      2. Vijatiya bheda: Tree is different from animal.
      3. Svagata bheda: Within one entity, many parts.

If don’t recognize Intelligence, you get entangled in 3 kinds of differences that surround you any one moment. Therefore way to come to Oneness is through Ishvara. Can keep differences, but bring in one more factor.

How to bring in one more factor that leads you to Oneness? Ask, what makes each form what it is? What makes it unique? What connects one form to another? What connects forms and laws? What is making this moment what it is? Knowledge-power.

When recognize knowledge-power, at once, bheda-dṛṣṭi (duality-vision) is replaced by Oneness. Everything remains exactly as it is, while your cognitive understanding sees the sameness.

Now let’s see again why you can’t skip Ishvara:

  • Consequence of dualistic-vision: By age 50, you’re fed-up nothing is working. One has nothing larger to fall back on due to not knowing that Intelligence is connecting everything and always present.
  • Wants Oneness for the Wrong Reasons: Some get disenchanted with duality, and out of pain want Brahman. Impossible because pain suggests distortions.
  • Therefore need to settle accounts with the world. Otherwise mind ruminates on personal problems. Puts even Brahman in pratibhasika bubble, because one is habituated to living in pratibhasika.
  • Example of Changes That Need to Take Place for Preparation:
    1. Isolated > connected. | Dissatisfied > gratitude.  |  Consumer > contributor.
    2. If good with logic > develop emotions. Vice-versa.
  • Knowledge is coming from Ishvara, and not Awareness. Thus can’t bypass, otherwise would’ve become a Jnani long time ago since Awareness is always available
  • Ultimately Ishvara lifts the veil of ignorance. Thus need Ishvara’s grace by aligning to its laws. And Ishvara needs to send you the right guruEG: You will feel compelled to bless well-behaved guests in your rented home, while reduce the privileges to the misbehaved guests. In similar fashion, Ishvara‘s laws innocently bless those aligned to them.

What is relationship between Ishvara and Awareness (Brahman)?

  • Can Knowledge-power exist without Awareness? No. True nature of Ishvara is Brahman. There’s no two things.
  • Teaching Order:
    1. Teaching is designed to help you see 3 types of differences – which collapse into one Intelligence. And to remind you to use the laws to your advantage.
    2. Last stage of teaching is you’re told — truth of Jiva and Ishvara is Brahman. Ishvara knows this reality, while jiva doesn’t. Thus teaching is from Ishvara.
  • Ocean-wave-Water analogy:
    • In presence of Ocean, laws facilitate interactions of waves. As the wave aligns with the laws, it cleans itself up, reduces subjectivity. Finally Ocean graces the wave, telling it (through guru/Pramana) – its truth is Water.  All 3 constitute Oneness.
    • Remember: Knowledge of a thing is vastu-tantra. You have no choice but to see what-is. No question of wishful thinking what you want Ishvara or Brahman to be.


Krishna says in Verse 2 to start with Ishvara. Then in Verse 3-4, he says Brahman is included in Ishvara.


Recorded 9 Jan, 2025

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