Chapter 12, Verse 11: Karma-phala-tyaga (renunciation of results) and prasada-buddhi (seeing results as Ishvara's gift) means recognizing results are impersonal and governed by cosmic laws. Life's results come in four forms: equal to, more than, less than, or opposite to what's desired. Understanding this network of laws helps maintain equanimity instead of getting caught in reactions of pride, anger, or victimhood. When unable to see Ishvara in actions (arpana-buddhi, in V10), one can at least see Ishvara in results (prasada-buddhi, in V11).
Chapter 12, Verse 12: Krishna strategically presents karma-phala-tyaga as superior to knowledge, meditation, and practice, knowing most aren't ready for direct self-knowledge. Self-knowledge requires a refined mind free from emotional disturbances and unhealthy self-concepts. While techniques offer temporary relief, understanding and accepting the cosmic order of results brings immediate peace. Verse essence: Renunciation of results brings immediate peace, surpassing even knowledge and meditation in practical value.
Karma-phala-tyaga / Prasada-buddhi
अथ एतत् अपि अशक्तः असि कर्तुम् मत्-योगम् आश्रितः ।
सर्व-कर्म-फल-त्यागम् ततः कुरु यत-आत्मवान् ॥ १२-११॥
atha etat api aśaktaḥ asi kartum mat-yogam āśritaḥ ।
sarva-karma-phala-tyāgam tataḥ kuru yata-ātmavān ॥ 12-11॥
If you are not able to do even this, being one whose commitment is dedicating all actions to Me [as dharma], then, with a disciplined mind, give up the results of all actions (to Me).
How to deal with life challenges – Lord's suggested method
Krishna is saying if you can’t do X, then do Y. He’s giving ideas how to be a bhakta.
Suppose your distortions are mighty, thus unable to think of Ishvara in your svadharma. Then have karma phala tyaga, or prasada-buddhi when result come.
It basically means — come to see the results are impersonal and are neither fair nor unfair. Whatever comes your way, do the best you can to solve or deal appropriately with the situation, rather then getting caught up in complaining and dislike of what's happened.
It helps you deal with effects or results from past actions which aren't always keeping with what you prefer, or don't seem to make your life easier. Recognize all happenings come from order of Ishvara, and you're one of the billion of characters in Ishvara's cosmic play.
This is important because regardless how ethical you are, things happen to all of us.
If don't bring Ishwara in life, how will you deal with situations? Psychology can’t sufficiently answer “Why did this happen to me?”. So Gita says, “World is governed by impersonal/unbiased laws which are working as a network”. Challenges become even bigger when I expect laws to comply to my fancies.
Laws can bring 4 types of effects:
- Equal-to or More-then what I wanted:
- Problem:
- May lead to pride, arrogance (looking down on others, comparing self to others). Person whose looked down upon doesn’t feel good, which affects your self-image unconsciously. And deters them from you. Causes loss of friendship.
- Illusion of total control.
- Solution: Remember that so many participated to my present livelihood. My victory is momentary.
- Problem:
- Less then I wanted:
- Problem: Anger, sadness, victim-mode, blame, I’m not good enough.
- Solution: It’s not personal, nor unfair. It comes from an order. Problem solving mode.
- Opposite to what I wanted:
- Problem: Writing off life. Angry with world. Calling God unfair, creating further separation.
Because of these 4 possibilities, one takes to Karma-phala-tyaga (renouncing results of actions), or prasada-buddhi (everything is Ishvara's gift), meaning — now that I've done my best, that I've put a well-thought-through action into the field — I leave the results up to Ishvara's order rather then my expectations.
It’s not about “not having expectations”. But knowing results can be of 4 possibilities, due to unknown variables. Results are coming from a network that must fairly meet everyone’s needs. Thus results are impersonal.
With this understanding: Makes you less reactive and more equanimous towards whatever comes.
Without this understanding: We create meanings, “I didn’t get it, meaning Ishvara doesn’t think I deserve it, or it’s not meant for me”.
If mind is unable to bring Ishvara into your actions (V10 – arpana-buddhi), then at least bring Ishvara when you receive the result (V11 – prasada-buddhi).
NEXT VERSE: Krishna argues karma-phala-tyaga / prasada-buddhi is better then self-knowledge…
Karma-phala-tyaga is strategically claimed superior to all
श्रेयः हि ज्ञानम् अभ्यासात् ज्ञानात् ध्यानम् विशिष्यते ।
ध्यानात् कर्म-फल-त्यागः त्यागात् शान्तिः अनन्तरम् ॥ १२-१२॥
śreyaḥ hi jñānam abhyāsāt jñānāt dhyānam viśiṣyate ।
dhyānāt karma-phala-tyāgaḥ tyāgāt śāntiḥ anantaram ॥ 12-12॥
Knowledge is better indeed than the practice of yoga [various techniques]; meditation [with knowledge] is superior to knowledge; renunciation of the results of actions (is better) than meditation. Because of renunciation (there is) peace immediately.
In our Atma Bodha classes, we said self-knowledge is ultimate. Here it says karma-phala-tyaga is better then self-knowledge. Factually this isn’t true, however Krishna knows majority aren’t qualified for knowledge, so he recommends easiest option, which will qualify them for self-knowledge later.
Why is self-knowledge difficult for most?
Because it isn’t mental gymnastics, and it attacks the ego, while all other practice make the ego bigger. It requires ongoing inquiry, and a highly refined mind. And requires a healthy emotional life. EG: If have inferiority complex, anxiety – indicates an unhealthy story. In which case knowledge can’t take place, as you can’t have one half of mind saying “I’m limitless”, and second “I’m no good”.
Krishna gives a logical order in the verse…
- śreyo hi jñānam abhyāsād:
- Knowledge is better then various techniques/practices.
- Techniques (Vipasana, kriya yoga, wake up at 4am, etc) are temporary band aids. Yet they sound very concrete and students will love you for it. But they don’t deal with root cause. Krishna advises to ask “Where is this discomfort coming from? What stories am I telling myself? What do I believe to feel like this?”.
- jñānāt dhyānam viśiṣyate:
- Better then knowledge is meditation/contemplation.
- Despite having concrete intellectual Vedantic knowledge, one still may feel lonely, and not recognize Ishvara in all things. Through closed eye meditation or open eyes contemplation, one can integrate knowledge deeper.
- However, karma-phala-tyaga is better then meditation:
- Recognize life is meant to bring 4 types of results. Can’t stop it. Each time recognizing it’s coming from vast network of causes. Makes it less personal, thus increases your objectivity and resilience to hardships.
NEXT VERSE: What are qualities of accomplished bhakta…
Qualities of an accomplished / mature bhakta (devotee)
अद्वेष्टा सर्व-भूतानां मैत्रः करुणः एव च ।
निर्ममः निरहङ्कारः सम-दुःख-सुखः क्षमी ॥ १२-१३॥
adveṣṭā sarva-bhūtānāṃ maitraḥ karuṇaḥ eva ca ।
nirmamaḥ nirahaṅkāraḥ sama-duḥkha-sukhaḥ kṣamī ॥ 12-13॥
The one who has no hatred for all beings, who has the disposition of a friend, who is compassionate, free from possessiveness, free from doership, equal in pleasant and unpleasant (situations), and indeed, one who is naturally accommodative…
Verse describes person who worked on themselves.
Who is a bhakta (person who is ongoingly relating to the Lord) that BG spoke of so far?
- Keeps with svadharma (duties, responsibilities) guided by samanya-dharma, recognizing they’re manifestation of Ishvara.
- Prayers (affect unknown variables which goes into pool of variables). Verse 10
- Taking results as prasada (coming from the intelligent web). Verse 11
- Emotional intelligence, which includes:
- Seeing emotions as indicators what to do next.
- Pause + think before reacting.
- Ability to name your emotions.
- Understanding the root cause of your feelings.
- Unafraid to share your emotions.
Krishna lists qualities that lead to further expansion…
— This verse 13 is continued in the next session —
Recorded 13 Jan, 2025