Lesson 125 maps out reality before time-space-objects came, according to Sankhya Philosophy 24-principles model.
Source: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Verse 3, 4, 5
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Verse 3:
tat kṣetram yat ca yādṛk ca yat vikāri yataḥ ca yat ।
saḥ ca yaḥ yat prabhāvaḥ ca tat samāsena me śṛṇu ॥ 13-3
What is that Kṣetraṁ? Of what nature is it? What are it's modifications? From what (cause) has it come? What is that (kṣētrajña) and what is (His) glory? – Hear that from Me briefly. (Swami Dayananda)
- Krishna is saying: In Verse 1 & 2, I’ve briefly touched upon topic of kṣetrajña and kṣetram. Now I will elaborate in further detail.
- Elaborate what? 3 Topics:
- What is included in kṣetram? What are some of it’s effects?
- How specifically is Kṣetram made out of One Content (Consciousness)?
- What kind of modifications does kṣetram undergo to become the manifest universe?
- What are the CAUSES which take place for kṣetram to be created, sustained and modified?
- What are the glories of kṣetram’s highest CAUSE… being Kṣetrajña?
- What is the glory of Brahman when conditioned by His own limitless māyā?
- We will see the cause-effect relationship of this universe. Meaning, every EFFECT has a CAUSE. What is the first ORIGIN/SOURCE?
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Verse 4:
ṛṣibhiḥ bahudhā gītam chandobhiḥ vividhaiḥ pṛthak ।
brahma-sūtra-padaiḥ ca eva hetumadbhiḥ viniścitaiḥ ॥ 13-4॥
(This) has been taught by the sages variously. (This has been revealed) distinctly through various Vedic hymns. (This has been taught) through logical and well-ascertained Upaniṣadic statements which reveal Brahman.
- The very topic of kṣetra-kṣetrajña-viveka is so significant, that, vividhaiḥ chandobhiḥ: it’s mentioned in all Vedic texts (śāstra, itihāsa, smṛti, purānas, bhāṣyam, etc) in form of mantrās.
- Why is it significant?
- Because if one assimilates the distinction between matter and spirit (appearance and the content of all appearances)… then one has understood, at once, the entire universe (all worlds).
- One is, at once, free. Has accomplished the highest goal in all lokās.
- Fields of science (as brilliant as they are), are still figuring out the theory of everything. Reality remains a mystery.
- Vedas already figured out: Reality = Consciousness appearing as Material universe.
- Why is it significant?
- Because this knowledge answers everything, ṛṣibhiḥ gītam: It’s sung, propounded, taught by the ṛṣis.
- What is taught? kṣetra-kṣetrajña-viveka.
- How exactly is the answer to Reality given? Pṛthak. Distinctly.
- What is the distinction? Reality is a Satya-mithyā relationship.

- What’s more, hetumadbhiḥ: Mantrās are backed up with reasoning/logic which can’t be contradicted from any angle, at any time.
- For example Brahma Sūtra is 555 verses, 4 chapters, 16 sections, 192 topics.
- It logically analyses what Upaniṣads/BG are saying.
- It also establishes Advaita Vedānta is non-contradictory, in opposition other schools of thought.
- EG:
- Nyāya Śāstra concludes consciousness is property of matter.
- Sānkhya Philosophy concludes consciousness is distinct from matter.
- Vyāsa in Brahma Sūtra analyses every angle, and establishes Vedāntic conclusion.
- EG:
- For example Brahma Sūtra is 555 verses, 4 chapters, 16 sections, 192 topics.
- Because next 2 verses expand on the big picture, Arjuna pay attention…
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 13, Verse 5 & 6:
mahā-bhūtāni ahaṅkāraḥ buddhiḥ avyaktam eva ca ।
indriyāṇi daśa–ekam ca pañca ca indriya-gocarāḥ ॥ 13-5॥icchā dveṣaḥ sukham duḥkham saṃghātaḥ cetanā dhṛtiḥ ।
etat kṣetram samāsena savikāram udāhṛtam ॥ 13-6॥[V5] The five subtle elements, ahankara (Hiranyabarbha), mahat (samaṣṭi-buddhi), Prakṛti (unmanifest cause; māyā). The ten sense organs, the mind, and the five gross elements, [V6] desire, hatred (aversion), pleasure, pain, the physical body, sentiency (cognition), fortitude (steadfastness) — all this, enumerated above briefly, is kṣetram, together with its modifications.
- What is reason for an exhaustive study into kṣetram?
- Because to distinguish Knower (self) from Known, we need a thorough understanding what constitutes world-of-objects. Else mind asks “What about __”.
- Both verses expound what makes up the Field (Kṣetram). Specifically…
- V5 elaborates what are the CAUSES of kṣetram. What are the ingredients mixed together to create kṣetram.
- Field of śāstra.
- V6 elaborates what are the seen EFFECTS within kṣetram (in reference to jīva).
- Field of science through Perception/Inference.
- V5 elaborates what are the CAUSES of kṣetram. What are the ingredients mixed together to create kṣetram.
- To explain the make-up of the universe, various methodologies will categorize the manifest universe into orders of realities.
- EG: Vaiṣeṣika divides universe into 7-fold-nature. Nyaya into 16-fold-nature. Sāṅkhya into 24-fold-nature.
- Verse 5/6 borrows from Sāṅkhya’s 24-tattva model.
- Map (in correct order of verse 5) done in class…

Here's alternative version, which was drawn up on whiteboard, in Thonsey Retreat Health Center, Jan 6-22, 2023:
Credit for help in Bhagavad Gita teaching given to Swami Dayananda (Arsha Vidya), Paramarthananda & Chinmaya Mission.
Recorded 18 May, 2021