What It Means to ‘Renounce the World? True VS False Sannyasa (27)


Lesson 27 answers common questions like: What is TRUE renunciation? Is aloneness and general disinterest towards world an attribute of a sannyasi (renunciate)? Is sannyasa (renunciation) a choice, OR is it a natural consequence of mature spiritual growth? What is a FALSE or premature renunciation? 3 common ways how NOT to manage desires. What do desires have to do with renunciation?


1) Why you can't say “I'm going to renounce the world”:

The statement, “From today onwards, I am choosing to renounce the world!” reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of true renunciation (sannyāsa). This misconception arises from the ego's tendency to create its own ideas about spiritual progress, often based on incomplete knowledge or inspiration from external sources, such as reading about the lives of Swamis. However, true renunciation is not a choice made by the ego, nor is it an external act of abandoning the world. It is a natural and organic consequence of spiritual maturity.

Key Points:

    1. Ego's Fantasy (Jīva-Sṛṣṭi): The ego creates its own idea of renunciation, often inspired by others' lives. This is false renunciation, based on personal fantasy, not reality.
    2. Violation of Svadharma: Each person has their own duties (svadharma). Abandoning these to follow someone else's path, as Krishna warns in Bhagavad Gita (3.35), is worse than death. Premature renunciation violates your own dharma.
    3. True Renunciation: It arises naturally after living a full, dharmic life, resolving personal issues, and exhausting many desires (vāsanās). It is not a choice but a result of spiritual growth and dispassion (vairāgya).
    4. Objective Vision: A true renunciate sees the world as it is—temporary modifications (vikāras) of the five elements, created by Īśvara. This leads to disinterest in worldly pursuits.
    5. Turning Inward: As fascination with the world fades, attention shifts to the unchanging Self (Ātman). This is supported by scriptural study, karma yoga, and self-inquiry.


True renunciation is a natural, organic progression of spiritual maturity, not a decision or external act. To say, “I am going to renounce the world” is a misunderstanding of what renunciation truly is.

2) Why does a Sannyasi Remain Objective Towards the World?

A sannyasi remains objective because they understand the transient nature of the world and no longer seek fulfillment in it.

Key Points:

    1. Limited Identity: Most people identify with the body-mind and chase happiness in ever-changing objects. This leads to potentially unhealthy attachment and suffering as objects inevitably change.
    2. Wisdom of a Sannyāsī: A sannyāsī recognizes that sense objects are temporary and cannot provide lasting satisfaction. Therefore, they do not develop attachment or desire for acquisition or enjoyment.


A sannyāsī remains objective because they see the world as fleeting and focus on the unchanging Self, avoiding excess attachment and binding desires, which means coming to a place of believing “I absolute need this for my wellbeing”.

3) What are Two paths mentioned in Chapter 5, Verse 1?

  1. Path of Renunciation (Sannyāsa Yoga)
    This path is the natural outcome for someone whose focus is entirely on scriptural study (śāstra), devotion, and the assimilation of Self-Knowledge through meditation and contemplation. It is for those who have developed deep dispassion (vairāgya) and no longer find value in worldly pursuits.
  2. Path of Action (Karma Yoga)
    Recommended by Krishna in Chapter 3, this path is for those living in a duty-based society. One performs duties, without attachment to specific results (as specific results are unrealistic in the real world). Over time, through Karma Yoga, likes and dislikes (vāsanās) become non-binding, leading to objectivity and dispassion. Eventually, the Karma Yogi becomes disinterested in worldly gains and sees Liberation (mokṣa) as the only goal. At this stage, the person either:

    • Continues Karma Yoga while pursuing Self-Knowledge under a guru, or
    • Naturally transitions to the Path of Renunciation, simplifying life to focus on spiritual study and contemplation.


Both paths—Renunciation and Action—lead to the same goal of Liberation. Karma Yoga prepares the mind for renunciation by reducing attachments, while Renunciation is the culmination of a life dedicated to spiritual growth.

4) Difference Between Partial and TOTAL Sannyasa

  1. Nyāsa (Partial Renunciation)
    Nyāsa refers to renunciation that is incomplete. A person may claim to have renounced certain desires (e.g., interest in wealth or relationships), but these desires can resurface when triggered by external stimuli. This is because their likes and dislikes (vāsanās) are still dormant and active. 
  2. Sannyāsa (Total Renunciation)
    Sannyāsa means complete renunciation. A sannyāsī has fully outgrown attachment to all objects, and few worldly desires have the power to distract them. This state is not a conscious choice but a natural outcome of spiritual maturity. Through years of Karma Yoga, one gradually becomes disinterested in turning worldly goals as the final end. Rather they become means to an end (moksha).

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Śrī Rudram chanting audio's and text. (Practiced before class)

Recorded 6 Nov, 2018



  1. I have to watch each of these videos 2 or three times just to digest all the information. Even then i think i need to watch all of this video series again from the start to better cement the ideas. There are so many connected ideas here. Brilliant.

  2. Hi Andre,

    I understand that the causal body is the seat of the Vasanas and the Samskaras. The causal body is the subconscious mind. Where are good and bad karma sitting? In the causal body too? Or in the subtle body? Are Vasanas and Samakaras the same as good and bad karma depending on whether they are binding Vasanas (bad karma) and non-binding Vasanas (good karma)?

    In advance I thank you for your answer.

    1. When an action is done, it produces delayed consequences.

      For example, I do anonymous donation for a good cause. Since action is virtuous, it’ll have a pleasant result in the future (somehow in some way). If I cheat/lie, that’ll have unpleasant result in future.

      Where are these pleasant (punya) and unpleasant (papa) unseen results stored? In your Causal Body.

      However Causal Body also stores your habitual orientations (vasanas/samskaras).

      Unconscious & Subconscious:

      The terms unconscious/subconscious are words created by psychologists (mainly from Sigmund Fraud), who wanted to fit certain patterns of behaviour observed in patients, into specific standardized terminology.

      So it’s not entirely fair to fit subconscious/unconscious into Vedanta, as they are different models.

      But if have to:

      Subconscious: refers to auto-pilot mode of mind. Such as cooking or driving. So many steps are done simultaneously, without effort.

      Unconscious: Can be equated to habitual orientations, deep impression that formed a certain way of conduct. Thus we can equate it to Causal Body’s samskaras.

  3. Hi André, I have one more question: Vedanta prouds itself being able to prove its statements. Karma points to a previous life and rebirth. What is the technical and philosophical proof of the law of karma? In advance I thank you for your answer.

    1. =================

      When hear first time that your body is product of karma (past causes that aren’t just attributed to genes of parents), it invokes lot of emotion, resistance and doubt (such as this is fatalistic, we are doomed, etc).

      However when we hear “body is from genetics”; in which case there’s little resistance. Meaning we accept our genes are product of many generations of people we never met, yet unable to do same in reference to personality being product of many prior experiences. In otherwords, in most cases, one chooses to accept a teaching only if they feel comfortable with it.


      “Karma” means cause-effect. What happened today, has past causes (whether you know about them or not). This fact is something noone resists. For example, where did the seed come from? Tree. Where did the tree come from? Seed. Etc.

      In other words, show me one thing that isn’t connected to past causes. Can’t find it. Then it’s strange people struggle with same logic applied to their own body and qualities they come with upon birth.

      Cause-effect relationship doesn’t work within period that you feel comfortable with (such as one life). They are always operating. And if you think the causes of this life will only last 80 years, then show me anywhere else where cause stops producing effects in 80 years and goes out of existence.


      Rebirth (continuity of life according to past causes) shows cause-effect relationship which one can’t put beginning to, and is being contributed to even now.

      In fact, if one doesn’t accept continuation of life after death, then have to PROVE why it doesn’t exist. Because cause-effect relationship is conforming to what is observed anywhere in universe, which is: If something happened, what caused it?

      Imagine living in a world where you are dropped here randomly, and done nothing to deserve it? In otherwords, everything that exists (including your body-mind), is traced to past causes.

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