Lesson 34 explores three key topics in Vedantic philosophy: identifying with Consciousness (Atman) rather than the body-mind complex, the practice of Self-Inquiry and nature of Consciousness, and the differences between enlightened (jnani) and unenlightened (ajnani) individuals. It discusses shifting perspective, understanding Consciousness, and the jnani‘s approach to actions and karma.
Terms used in class:
- Ishvara: Ishvara is described as…
- jagat kāraṇam: world creator
- karma phala dātā: Giver of results of one's actions
- dharma rāja: King of Dharma (laws that preserve the harmony of all species. It manifests in your intellect as “I don't want to hurt myself, I know that others don't want to be hurt”).
Learn to IDENTIFY with Consciousness:
- “I am the consciousness pervading the body”.
- Body is temporary gift from Isvara. Can use it as MEDIUM OF TRANSACTION. Can't hold onto it permanently.
How to Understand Consciousness / Awareness:
- Consciousness is like space. And like space, all movement/objects are within it, yet it doesn't affect space.
Chapter 5, Verse 13:
In Chapter 5, Verse 13 of the Bhagavad Gītā, the body is likened to a small kingdom. The skin serves as a protective wall, while the body has nine gateways (navadvarani) for interaction with the world. These include seven entrance gates: a pair of nostrils, ears, eyes, and one mouth, as well as two exit gates: the anus and genitals. Blood vessels are compared to roads within this kingdom. The king of this kingdom is Ātman, whose presence and blessing enable the body to function.
The verse states, “…Neither performing action…” This refers to Ātman not being a doer (karta) of actions.
This raises the question: If Atman isn't performing or instigating actions, does Ātman cause one to act? No. Just as space accommodates all objects without being affected by what those objects do to each other, Self remains unaffected by your body-mind conditions and by the actions performed by your body-mind.
Some might argue, “We're puppets, and every action is done by Bhagavan!” For example, if a person commits a crime instigated by Ishvara, is Iswara indirectly responsible? Isvara is an impersonal power like car fuel. Driver (intellect) is able to drive the vehicle (body/mind) by help of that fuel, into a person, or to a temple. If driver runs over the person, we can't blame the car fuel. The blame is on the driver.
Chapter 5, VERSE 14:
If Atma doesn't do anything, how do all these actions happens? Jiva's samksaras (tendencies) make the jiva's body-mind act and think. EG: Electricity blesses appliances. The sound/rotation is function of the appliance, not of electricity.
Chapter 5, VERSE 15:
- Disassociating from body-mind identification is a gradual process requiring humility. Embrace the slow journey. You can't speed it up. Continue pursuing your spiritual growth without announcing it to others. It's a personal journey.
- Fulfill societal duties while remembering the ultimate goal: “Know thyself while serving God's creation.” The true “I” is already complete and demands nothing from the world.
- Karma Yoga: Something to do.
- Practice Requirements: Requires understanding of karma (action), karma-phala (results of action), and the right attitude towards action.
- Ātma Knowledge Not Needed: At this stage, knowledge of Atma (the Self) is not necessary.
- Jñāna Yoga: Something to know.
- Knowledge of Ātma: Focuses on the realization of jīvātma-paramātma-aikya, the identity or sameness of individual and universal consciousness.
- Order of Practice: Engage in Karma Yoga to purify the mind, then pursue Jnana Yoga to attain mokṣa (liberation).
- Nature of True Knowledge:
- Relative knowledge: Any other knowledge is merely details about particulars and is transient. EG: If know about Science CH1, you don't know about CH2. If know medicine, don't know History.
- True knowledge: True knowledge is knowledge of the substance that makes up the entire universe (including you). For example, the substance that makes all pottenware is clay. Vedanta points out the clay (Intelligence); the substance of everything. And the final truth of Intelligence is consciousness (known to you as self-evident I am).
Recorded 29 Jan, 2019