Chapter 1, Verses 40-41: Arjuna expands his perspective, considering the broader societal impact of war. He argues that destroying families leads to the loss of traditions and the rise of unrighteousness, corrupting women and causing caste intermixture. This reflects how societal dysfunction can stem from broken families. Verse essence: When families are destroyed, traditions perish, leading to societal unrighteousness and corruption.
Chapter 1, Verses 42: Arjuna explains how societal breakdown leads to adharma. He emphasizes the interconnectedness of generations and the importance of ancestral rituals. The verse touches on collective guilt and its long-term effects, as seen in post-World War II Germany. Verse essence: Family destruction leads to suffering and the neglect of ancestral rituals.
Chapter 1, Verses 43: Arjuna foresees long-term societal dysfunction resulting from the war, including the destruction of traditions and family values. He questions the personal benefit of ruling a devastated kingdom, showing concern for both immediate and future consequences. Verse essence: The misdeeds of family destroyers lead to the breakdown of caste and family traditions.
Chapter 1, Verse 44: Arjuna reiterates the negative consequences for those who disrupt family dharma. This verse contrasts two archetypes: Duryodhana, who focuses on personal gain, and Arjuna, who considers long-term consequences for self and others. Verse essence: Those who destroy family dharma are destined for suffering.
Chapter 1, Verse 45: Arjuna experiences guilt and hurt, realizing the gravity of his intended actions. The verse explores the concepts of guilt and hurt, their differences, and their impacts on one's mindset. Verse essence: Arjuna recognizes the great sin of killing relatives for kingdom and pleasure.
Chapter 1, Verse 46: Overwhelmed by emotions and analysis, Arjuna declares his refusal to fight. He expresses willingness to die unarmed rather than engage in battle, marking his final stance before physical collapse. Verse essence: Arjuna prefers to die unarmed than kill his relatives in battle.
Chapter 1, Verse 47: Sanjaya describes Arjuna's physical and mental state to Dhritarashtra. Arjuna, overcome by sorrow, sits down and abandons his weapons, symbolizing his decision not to fight. Verse essence: Arjuna, overwhelmed by sorrow, sits down and casts aside his weapons.
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 40-41
कुल-क्षये प्रणश्यन्ति कुल-धर्माः सनातनाः । धर्मे नष्टे कुलम् कृत्स्नम् अधर्मः अभिभवति उत ॥ १-४०॥
kula-kṣaye praṇaśyanti kula-dharmāḥ sanātanāḥ । dharme naṣṭe kulam kṛtsnam adharmaḥ abhibhavati uta ॥ 1-40॥
When families are destroyed, the longstanding family traditions perish. When family traditions are lost, unrighteousness, indeed, overtakes the entire family.
अधर्म-अभिभवात् कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुल-स्त्रियः । स्त्रीषु दुष्टासु वार्ष्णेय जायते वर्ण-सङ्करः ॥ १-४१॥
adharma-abhibhavāt kṛṣṇa praduṣyanti kula-striyaḥ । strīṣu duṣṭāsu vārṣṇeya jāyate varṇa-saṅkaraḥ ॥ 1-41॥
Because of the prevalence of unrighteousness, the women of the family become corrupt. When women become corrupt, the intermixture of castes takes place.
Arjuna goes to larger picture. War doesn’t only have people he loves, but people he’s not directly connected to. The overall destruction created by Arjuna’s “Suppose I win the war and rule the kingdom, it will be a kingdom without man. Only widows, orphans. Such society isn’t happy. It’ll take long time for things to come back to normal”. EG: Society is made of families. If families are dysfunctional, the whole society becomes dysfunctional (adharmic). EG: War in Middle East, whatever the cause is, innocent people suffer.
NEXT VERSE: Arjuna justifies his point of how broken society turns to adharma…
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 42
सङ्करः नरकाय एव कुल-घ्नानाम् कुलस्य च । पतन्ति पितरः हि एषाम् लुप्त-पिण्ड-उदक-क्रियाः ॥ १-४२॥
saṅkaraḥ narakāya eva kula-ghnānām kulasya ca । patanti pitaraḥ hi eṣām lupta-piṇḍa-udaka-kriyāḥ ॥ 1-42॥
Confusion, indeed, leads the family and the destroyers of the family to the world of pain. Their ancestors, denied of their post death rituals, indeed fall.
- Vedic dharma says: Your existence is not isolated, but dependent on many people. Everyone has contributed to you being who you are (mentally, economically, socially). So family values and impressions pass from one generation to another.
- EG how prior generation negatively pulls down subsequent generation: After World war 2, the German society went through a collective feeling of guilt, for giving support to Hitler and what ensued. FACT: 60% of Rajneesh followers were Germans, as they were looking to free themselves from the guilt. And Rajneesh talk on freedom, and promise of freedom, totally appealed to Germans.
- Similarly Arjuna says, negative impressions will pass on for generations. And I (Arjuna) will be the cause of disturbing the society.
- In Vedic culture, four things are done in reference to ancestors: (a) ask for their blessings (b) pray for their wellbeing, as they went through their own downfalls. (c) Go to them to express what's on your mind. (d) At least remain neutral if unable to do first three.
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 43
दोषैः एतैः कुल-घ्नानाम् वर्ण-सङ्कर-कारकैः । उत्साद्यन्ते जाति-धर्माः कुल-धर्माः च शाश्वताः ॥ १-४३॥
doṣaiḥ etaiḥ kula-ghnānām varṇa-saṅkara-kārakaiḥ । utsādyante jāti-dharmāḥ kula-dharmāḥ ca śāśvatāḥ ॥ 1-43॥
Due to these misdeeds of the destroyers of families, which cause the intermixture of castes, longstanding case-traditions as well as family-traditions are destroyed.
- Arjuna says, “I see overall dysfunction in society which will take generation to repair (emotional, economic, psychological, traditions that pass for generations; all will be destroyed). What kind of wellbeing will I inherit, and where’s my wellbeing in this”.
- Arjuna talks about so far:
- His own people (on Kauravas side), who won’t be there.
- Then talks about overall society (people he doesn’t know).
- And talks about his own seen/unseen result.
- Do you empathize with Arjuna or not? Can you say Arjuna is misguided/confused, and needs to kill them all?
- What can Krishna say that’s even wiser then what Arjuna said?
NEXT VERSE: Arjuna reiterates his reason for not fighting…
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 44
उत्सन्न-कुल-धर्माणाम् मनुष्याणाम् जनार्दन । नरके अनियतम् वासः भवति इति अनुशुश्रुम ॥ १-४४॥
utsanna-kula-dharmāṇām manuṣyāṇām janārdana । narake aniyatam vāsaḥ bhavati iti anuśuśruma ॥ 1-44॥
We have heard, Janārdana (Kṛṣṇa)! that a life in the world of pain is inevitable for those people who destroy the dharma of the family.
Arjuna reiterates, person who creates disturbance, there is some unpleasant situation person will go through.
2 Archetypes:
- Duryodhana didn’t consider cost on society of war, as he was thinking of power/enjoyment of winning. Shows archetype of only thinking of our gains, oblivious of others.
- Arjuna is archetype who thinks about consequences of one’s actions, now and in future. Thinks about well being of self and others. Not only short term gains, but long term consequences.
NEXT VERSE: All this thinking on Arjuna’s part, leads to regret & hurt…
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 45
अहो बत महत् पापम् कर्तुम् व्यवसिता वयम् । यत् राज्य-सुख-लोभेन हन्तुम् स्वजनम् उद्यताः ॥ १-४५॥
aho bata mahat pāpam kartum vyavasitā vayam । yat rājya-sukha-lobhena hantum svajanam udyatāḥ ॥ 1-45॥
We have undertaken to commit a great sin! For, due to greed for the pleasure of kingdom, we are prepared to kill our people.
- Arjuna wonders who he didn’t think about all these things earlier, how was my mind so preoccupied with revenge, thinking about humiliation Draupadi went through. He goes through hurt and guilt.
- Guilt: Something you thought was inappropriate. “Why didn’t I do the right thing?”. In reference to own commissions and omissions.
- Mindset: Anything that happens, focus goes on you. What didn’t I do appropriate or could’ve done better. PRO: Thinks about one’s own actions.
- Duryodhana was consistently unfair to Pandavas, yet didn’t feel guilty as was self-absorbed.
- Hurt: I feel hurt because they didn’t do what they should’ve done. Or they did something that violated me. In reference to others commissions and omissions.
- Mindset: Lives in victim mode. Mind always thinking what others did to me. Finds external enemy.
- Which is better? Free yourself from both.
- Guilt: Something you thought was inappropriate. “Why didn’t I do the right thing?”. In reference to own commissions and omissions.
NEXT VERSE: What happens from Arjuna’s emotions, analysis and culminating into guilt and hurt? He doesn’t want to fight; this is his final declaration in next verse…
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 46
यदि माम् अप्रतीकारम् अशस्त्रम् शस्त्र-पाणयः । धार्तराष्ट्राः रणे हन्युः तत् मे क्षेमतरम् भवेत् ॥ १-४६॥
yadi mām apratīkāram aśastram śastra-pāṇayaḥ । dhārtarāṣṭrāḥ raṇe hanyuḥ tat me kṣemataram bhavet ॥ 1-46॥
Even if armed Kauravas would kill me, who is unarmed and unresisting in this battle, that would be better for me.
“I’m going to give up all my weapons. It’s better then killing so many people”. Now Arjuna physically collapses.
NEXT VERSE: Sanjaya describes Arjuna’s state to Dhritarashtra…
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 47
सञ्जय उवाच । | एवम् उक्त्वा अर्जुनः सङ्ख्ये रथ-उपस्थे उपाविशत् । विसृज्य सशरम् चापं शोक-संविग्न-मानसः ॥ १-४७॥
sañjaya uvāca | evam uktvā arjunaḥ saṅkhye ratha-upasthe upāviśat । visṛjya saśaram cāpaṃ śoka-saṃvigna-mānasaḥ ॥ 1-47
Sañjaya said: Having spoken in this manner in the middle of the battlefield, Arjuna, whose mind was completely overcome by sorrow, sat down on the seat of the chariot casting aside his bow and arrows.
Sanjaya says Arjuna’s mind is mentally overwhelmed by discomfort/sorrow, which also manifested at physical, by sitting down. He decided he doesn’t want to fight.
Order of Chapter 1:
- Simple:
- Scene 1: Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya what’s happening on battle field.
- Scene 2: Scene turns to Duryodhana, amping up Drona.
- Scene 3: Scene turns to Arjuna and what he was going through.
- Detailed:
- Scene 1: Dhritarashtra asks Sanjaya about the battlefield situation.
- Scene 2: Duryodhana approaches Drona, discussing the armies.
- Scene 3: Conch shells are blown, signaling the start of the battle.
- Scene 4: Arjuna asks Krishna to position the chariot between the armies.
- Scene 5: Arjuna sees his relatives and friends in the opposing army.
- Scene 6: Arjuna expresses his doubts and reluctance to fight.
- Scene 7: Arjuna presents arguments against the war and its consequences.
- Scene 8: Overwhelmed by sorrow, Arjuna drops his weapons and sits down.
Chant Closing Verse (end of each chapter):
ॐ तत् सत्
इति श्रीमत् भगवत् गीतासु उपनिषत्सु
ब्रह्म-विद्यायां योग-शास्त्रे श्रीकृष्ण-अर्जुन-संवादे
अर्जुन-विषाद-योगः नाम प्रथमः अध्यायः ॥ १॥
om tat sat
iti śrīmat bhagavat gītāsu upaniṣatsu
brahma-vidyāyāṃ yoga-śāstre śrīkṛṣṇa-arjuna-saṃvāde
arjuna-viṣāda-yogaḥ nāma prathamaḥ adhyāyaḥ || 1||
- śrīmat bhagavat gītā: Song of the Lord who is possessor of total wealth (material, spiritual, knowledge, everything).
- upaniṣatsu: Bhagavad Gita is equated to Upanishads, which is part of Vedas.
- Vedas has two parts. (1) Karma-kanda (prayers/rituals), and (2) Upanishads (knowledge of reality to free you from limitation). Thus what’s taught in Bhagavad Gita is same as in Upanishads.
- brahma-vidyāyāṃ yoga-śāstre: These are the two subjects covered in Bhagavad Gita.
- Brahma-vidya: Larger inquiry into nature of reality. That individual (jiva), world (jagat), Ishvara (Cause of Universe), and Brahman (Awareness).
- Yoga-shastra: For Inquiry to begin, need a means to prepare the mind (IE: more noble, able to look at complexity of situation, not too taken back by challenges, etc).
- How is this teaching given? śrīkṛṣṇa-arjuna-saṃvāde: Through samvada dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna.
- Communication has 4 qualities:
- Jalpa: chit-chat, not productive, passing time.
- Vitanda: You are speaking, and other is listening, not to understand, but to challenge you and disagree, keeps coming back to own thinking.
- Vada: Discussion between equals, enhances each one’s knowledge.
- Samvada: Knowledge is coming from someone who has mastered a topic, and the other wants to learn by having an open mind. And teacher has to have patience and non-judgmental. It’s an interactive dialogue, not a monologue (where teacher speaks and you listen). Where listener examines actively their view in light of Krishna’s vision. And actively reframing the mind which require participation and effort.
- Communication has 4 qualities:
- What is the topic of CH1? arjuna-viṣāda-yogaḥ nāma (Topic of Arjuna breaking down).
- Why do we need story of CH1, rather then Krishna going straight into the teaching? It shows our helplessness, shortcomings. Throws light on human struggle. We relate to Arjuna. At the same time, we’re not trying to solve Arjuna’s problem, but solve our outlook and gain wisdom given to Arjuna.
Course was based on Neema Majmudar's Bhagavad Gita & Swami Dayananda (Arsha Vidya) home study course.
Recorded 23 June, 2024