1 – Drg Drsya Viveka: Why We Pray Before Starting A Class (Drig Drishya Viveka)
Lecture 1 speaks about the “saha na vavantu” prayer before the class starts. Why we do 3 OM shantis. Why knowledge fails for most people (unfriendly psychology, projection, triggered, etc)
Source: Drg Drsya Viveka
Explanation of “Sahana Vavatu” Verse:
- saha nāvavatu : May the Lord (being a source of blessing) protect both of us (teacher and student).
- Asking for protection at all times – at home, while eating, thinking, talking etc.
- Praying that the environment and conditions are conducive for growth and learning.
- saha nau bhunaktu : May he (Lord) nourish both of us (with knowledge).
- Besides intellectual nourishment, we also need emotional nourishment. Both needed for knowledge to transform you.
- saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai : May both of us make effort for capacity (required for knowledge to be imparted by the teacher and to be received by the student).
- Student and teacher need to work together collaboratively — for effective knowledge transfer.
- Teacher needs to be encouraged with questions, and student remaining alert, engaged.
- Commitment, persistence to master depth.
- tejasvi nāvadhītamastu : May what is studied by us be brilliantly clear (meaningful and free from vagueness).
- mā vidviṣāvahai : May we not be subject to any kind of misunderstanding (so that this communication is complete).
- Convert vitanda (intention is to disagree/disprove), into vada (wishes to consider alternative Point of view).
- Alert of mind tendency to superimpose past conditioning onto present teaching, students, teacher.
- om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ sāntiḥ : Let there be freedom from three possible obstacles (that can deny peace and become a hindrance to the pursuit of knowledge – like:
- Adhidaivika: Obstructions from forces over which we have no control.
- EG: You’re attentive, perfect environment, listening for years, but knowledge is going over your head. So you’re asking God’s help to help remove these unknown factors.
- Adhibhautika: Disturbances from environment.
- Surroundings demand your attention. EG: You’re attentive, but family needs help. Noise pollution, problems within family and you’re in the line-of-fire.
- Adhyatmika: Factors centered on self.
- EG: My biases. Physical illness, brain unable to concentrate.
- Adhidaivika: Obstructions from forces over which we have no control.
Next verse begins the text. This was only an introductory verse.
Course was based on [1] Drig Drishya Viveka book by Swami Tejomayananda [2] Book by Swami Nikhilananda [3] Neema Majmudar.
Recorded 16 Jan, 2024
Excellent teacher! Excited to check out the rest