15 – Drg Drsya Viveka (22-29): Vedantic Meditation Techniques – Role of Devotion & Meditation


Lecture 15 shows that Vedanta only works with devotion and meditation in one's life. Two types of meditation (open & closed eyes).  Meditation on the seen (drsya) and heard (something learned from the scripturess). Brahmavid (knowledge is intellectual) and Brahma-nistha (brought knowledge to emotional level). Akhanada-akara-vrtti intro.

Source: Drg Drsya Viveka


  • Savikalpa Meditation:
    • 2 main kinds of meditations are given by the verse (that make up all 6 types):
      1. dṛśya : Taking seen forms and cognitively understanding content is sat-cit.
        • EG:
          • Can you think of / perceive any object which is outside Awareness? No. Thus wherever my mind goes (disgust/love), it can never be away from Awareness. I also don’t have to love everything equally. EG: Krishna’s relationship to Duryodhana different to Arjuna.
          • If sadness comes, do you (a) look into stories you’re telling yourself, reframe situation, or… (b) to see presence of Awareness in the sadness? Must do both. At beginning, #a may be more necessary. Depends.
      2. śabda : Scriptural contemplation.
        • SCRIPTURAL STATEMENTS: Contemplate on scriptural statements like “tat tvam asi”. What is the intended meaning? Or “īśā vāsyam idaṃ sarvam”; All that is here is pervaded by Ishvara.
        • SCRIPTURAL WORDS: Take any word you learn from teaching (values, Awareness, Ishvara, Ananta, advaita), and reflect upon it, to gain depth. Already, all answers are given, but we switch back to old orientation, so it’s important to stay with teaching. Challenge yourself to find answer in your own words, otherwise remains “teachers words”.
          • EG: When feel disappointed, correct it. What are the stories you’re telling yourself which is producing sadness. If discard all phenomena with “I’m Awareness”, then it’s disassociation.
    • What about Devotion as Form of Contemplation? Long as devotion is keeping with knowledge that God is all-pervasive knowledge/power; it’s fine. Otherwise dualistic devotion reinforces smallness.   A child is lost in playing. Stops momentarily, looks at mother, and gets instant security and peace of mind… then reengages. Similarly, putting mind on all pervasive Ishvara, gives security and reassurance that nothing unfair is going to happen to me. Gives you a fall-back in tough times. And teaching comes from Ishvara. If discount Ishvara, then partly discounting the teaching. Therefore prayer, and relationship to Ishvara is important.
  • Nirvikalpa Meditation:
    • 2 Extreme attitudes about meditation:
      • Meditation must be thoughtless, as though each thought takes you away from Self. EG:
      • Meditation must be always be active self-inquiry. So in silence, they actively bring in something. You don’t have to!
    • Sometimes you just want to keep mind still/quiet. It can be blankness, or enjoying your presence. Being alone.
    • In nirvikalpa, the drsya & sabda meditations disappear into background. It arises from spontaneous dwelling upon, initiated by dṛśya/śabda.
  • NEXT VERSE (V30): Talks about brahma-nistha…
    • Brahmavit: one who knows Brahman, but hasn’t brough it down to emotional level.
    • Brahma-nistha: knowledge has taken deep root; thus when engaging with world, doesn’t operate bring in residual notions of smallness, seeking “my fulfillment”. The knowledge never leaves you.


Course was based on [1] Drig Drishya Viveka book by Swami Tejomayananda [2] Book by Swami Nikhilananda [3] Neema Majmudar.

Recorded 19 Jan, 2024

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