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July 20, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Classes comprise of entire Bhagavad Gita (18 chapters) in thorough detail with extended notes – including Sanskrit terminology.

Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna the final reality, understanding which the highest fulfillment is discovered within oneself.

The predicament of Arjuna, the search for permanent satisfaction, is faced by each of us. Hence this teaching gives us an insight into how to live our life more meaningfully and in harmony with the whole.

Program is based on Swami Paramarthananda, Swami Dayananda (Arsha Vidya) and Chinmaya International Foundation (Kerala) teachings.

Student is encouraged to attend whatever chapter we are on. Because we often revisit fundamentals, thus you are never too late to grasp the teaching.

Preview of discourses? See index.


How specifically can this program help me?
Advaita Vedanta or Upanishads, are the subject matter of the Bhagavad Gita. Their final teaching is, “Truth of self is whole, complete, full, timeless, unchanging and limitless”.

However aspirant's experience is anything but this.

In fact everything about one's experience contradicts above lofty description. This is because fullness does NOT and logically can NOT apply to a decaying, mortal body-mind.

Meaning, as long as “I” is placed in the finite body-mind — of course you'll find the description challenging to relate.

For this reason, the aspirant takes refuge in various spiritual paths in hopes to discover this full “I AM”.

We certainly acknowledge that all sincere paths contribute to purifying and preparing the mind.

However one is expected to eventually grow out of the need to purify more. Because purification implies, “I am not pure”.

Once the aspirant has matured, the mind spontaneously takes interest in knowledge.

Aspirant rationalizes, “If ignorance of reality is the problem… then the ONLY solution is knowledge. Because knowledge alone opposes ignorance”.

Seeker then says…

“I need a teacher whose vision is already clear. One who can help me discover the truth in myself.”

Gaining and assimilating self-knowledge imparted by the acharya through the Bhagavad Gita — is the final means to the ultimate goal; liberation (moksha).

Since beginingless time — devotee's search for permanent freedom from limitation has finally fructified.

This is the very purpose of Bhagavad Gita and our classes — assuming student's mind has sufficient maturity.

Unfolding the vision of reality is a delicate process. Like performing heart surgery.

An immature mind resists being taught. It believes it can do a better job then a qualified heart-surgeon whose already integrated the reality of surgery in real life.

Similarly, Bhagavad Gita is like a heart-surgeon's manual whose essence only becomes ALIVE once taught by a teacher.

The text has proven to work countless times. Her wisdom, ever fresh and new, perfected from every angle — prunes away one's beginingless ignorance.

The student is systematically and carefully lead through a means of knowledge (pramāṇa). Only fresh open ears and willingness to inquire on the teachings is required.

Problem is Ignorance. Solution is Knowledge.
We typically apply a special technique in the present – to get “there” in the future.

Sound familiar?

Vipassanā, meditation, mantrās, rituals, channeling, healing modalities, various types of Yoga, etc…

The predicament with any technique or ritual performed is the “I” by which one's entire life rests on.

I meditate, I learn, I experience, I doubt, I do.

This subject ‘I', still does NOT know who or what it is.

Beginner seeker says “I have to do something to experience the Ultimate Truth”. This is impossible because one already IS the Truth. You can not experience what you already are. It's like space trying to experience space. Or water trying to merge with water. Bhagavad Gita removes false notion that separation between self, world and God is real.
Who and what is this person whose actually doing the spiritual sadhana (practice)?

Hence no matter what is done or experienced — person's actions are resting on an unresolved foundation.

Even to disagree or agree with this statement, one says “I __”.

A limited person performing a limited action (technique), while expecting an unlimited result, is a mathematical impossibility.

Limitation can't bring about limitlessness. Just how…

Drop in the Ocean can't do some technique to magically “become” the entire Ocean. Because it's already not apart from the Ocean.

This mistaken assumption is easily noticed in one's own behavior.

There is a need to constantly DO.

An insatiable desire to improve and become materialistically; and the same mistake is transferred over to one's spiritual pursuit.

What drives us to constantly improve and become?

Sense of limitation.

The superimposition (upādhi) of the limited body-mind onto the limitless self (ātmā).

To release ourselves from our limitations – we end up increasing qualities that all belong to the upādhi (body-mind) and not ātman. Qualities like greater spiritual knowledge and more spiritual practices.

Yet the “I” onto whom all these qualities are attributed, still remains unresolved.

The solution is Bhagavad Gita…

Bhagavad Gita's function is two-fold…

  1. Show us how to intelligently navigate our life so we make the most effective, efficient, healthiest and wisest choices on a day-to-day bases. Whether it's communication, purpose in life, family affairs or in business transactions.
  2. Reveals a timeless methodology (step by step method) on how to remove one's beginningless ignorance pertaining to self, one's relationship to God and world.

The teachings are expounded through a logical and systematic approach (A > B > C) to reveal the highest non-dual wisdom.


  • Before attending – watch latest video (top of page) for familiarity. Also wise to look over About page. It will help build rapport/trust with the teacher.
  • Student comes with humility. Meaning intellectual pride and past spiritual expertise is put away. Just like taking shoes off before entering a temple.
  • Student has a sincere desire for self-knowledge as expounded by the timeless Vedic scriptures.
  • Aspirant wishes to incorporate the vision of Bhagavad Gita into every day life. IE: We're not interested in academic information of the B.Gita. Focus is practical wisdom. How to embody it's teachings into one's thinking. Being THAT every moment.


Logistics & Cost

Cost? Most essential to life like sunlight, air, plants are all free. While man made non-essentials, cost. Ironic indeed!

In the same way, eternal self-knowledge is essential, thus remains free — at least in Yes Vedanta. Teacher is financially self-sufficient.

Only payment student can deliver is your attention and willingness to learn from start to end of session.

Be ready to take notes. This is NOT a passive-listening satsang. Program will end in 2022.

Ready to attend?

Contact now to express your authentic intention for attending the Zoom webinar.


Andre Vas
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