Lesson 1: Sanskrit for Beginners Course


What's covered: First 6 vowels in devanāgarī. How verb formed. Verbs √gam, √prach. Word for “and”. And how to make basic sentence.

Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One

Resources for entire course:

  • Textbook PDF file used in class. It is 3rd Ed. (Copyright: Book is by Thomas Egenes. To support his work, consider buying one of his books.)
  • Sanskrit Verses download.
  • Spoken Sanskrit download.
  • How to pronounce each letter of Sanskrit alphabet: text | audio.
  • Windows software to type Roman characters with diacritics (EG: ṇ, ñ, ḍ, ś, ṣ, etc).
  • Table of various encodings to write sanskrit.

Guidelines for entire course:

  • Create a plan which incorporates at least 3-10 hours per week for homework and memorization. Each class will revise the previous.
  • You're expected to go through the exercises in the book – before coming to next class. Answers are also end of book.
    • If busy life, then at least do half.
    • If still busy, then at least do quarter.


  1. Verse: On Practice
  2. Spoken Sanskrit: Week 1
  3. Devanāgarī practice sheet for week 1. (a, ā, u, ū, i, ī)
    • Rule: Left-to-right. Top-to-bottom. Roof last.
  4. Ensure know how to pronounce 6 vowel letters: text | audio.
  5. Do exercises in book.


You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. I will respond in 72 hours. Only ask specific to Lesson.


Recorded 1 March, 2020



  1. Namaste!
    Thanks for this wonderful opportunity dear teacher.
    My name is Jay Kamizi, i am leaving in Sweden but i am from Brazil.
    My question is: i just found out your course on this week and i started to study today 26- 08-20.
    Is that ok? I will do the 6 months course, but i am wondering if when you finish the 6 months current class, all the material is going to be offline, and in this case i am at beginning of the course still.
    Thanks, have a blissful day.

    1. Greetings Jay. Course will go much longer then 6 months. Likely won’t begin new course 2022. However you can get notified if signup to notification list yesvedanta.com/sanskrit-updates/

  2. My name is Ignea, and I wish to waste my time with a commencement, in to learningSanskrit, so I can’t feel alone on this new great journey, this course must go on. I’m 68years old, is it possible to reach a certificate? I’m from Brasil and teatcher of yoga.

  3. I am from India. I presume Sanskrit is originated from India we are not exposed with Sanskrit course. In Mumbai I did not find any person taking study seriously. I want to learn sanskrit at age of 57

    1. Rajiv, only way is via yesvedanta.com/sanskrit – because any future restarts will be done offline, as I enjoy face-to-face more. Although, may also put camera in class for webinar for those who can’t attend.

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