Lesson 20: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Counting + Atmanepada
New verse. How to count in Sanskrit. Revision of r/ḥ sandhi. Introductions to new kind of verb (Middle Voice). How to say “To have” in Sanskrit. New vocab.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
How to count in Sanskrit?
Below are stems of cardinal numbers…
0 ०. śūnyam शून्यम् 1 १. eka एक 2 २. dvi द्वि 3 ३. tri त्रि 4 ४. catur चतुर् 5 ५. pañca पञ्च 6 ६. ṣaṣ षष् 7 ७. sapta सप्त 8 ८. aṣṭa अष 9 ९. nava नव 10 १०. daśa दश |
11 ११. ekādaśa एकादश 12 १२. dvādaśa द्वादश 13 १३. trayodaśa त्रयोदश 14 १४. caturdaśa चतुर्दश 15 १५. pañcadaśa पञ्चदश 16 १६. ṣoḍaśa षोडश 17 १७. saptadaśa सप्तदश 18 १८. aṣṭādaśa अष्टादश 19 १९. navadaśa नवदश 20 २०. viṃśati विंशति |
21. ekaviṃśati एकविंशति 22. dvāviṃśati द्वाविंशति 23. trayoviṃśati त्रयोविंशति 24. caturviṃśati चतुर्विंशति 25. pañcaviṃśati पञ्चविंशति 26. ṣaḍviṃśati षड्विंशति 27. saptaviṃśati सप्तविंशति 28. aṣṭāviṃśati अष्टाविंशति 29. navaviṃśati नवविंशति 30. triṃśat त्रिंशत् |
31. ekatriṃśat एकत्रिंशत् 32. dvātriṃśat द्वात्रिंशत् 33. trayastriṃśat त्रयस्त्रिंशत् 34. catustriṃśat चतुस्त्रिंशत् 35. pañcatriṃśat पञ्चत्रिंशत् 36. ṣaṭtriṃśat षट्त्रिंशत् 37. saptatriṃśat सप्तत्रिंशत् 38. aṣṭātriṃśat अष्टात्रिंशत् 39. navatriṃśat नवत्रिंशत् 40. catvāriṃśat चत्वारिंशत् |
41. ekacatvāriṃśat एकचत्वारिंशत् 42. dvicatvāriṃśat द्विचत्वारिंशत् 43. tricatvāriṃśat त्रिचत्वारिंशत् 44. catuścatvāriṃśat चतुश्चत्वारिंशत् 45. pañcacatvāriṃśat पञ्चचत्वारिंशत् 46. ṣaṭcatvāriṃśat षट्चत्वारिंशत् 47. saptacatvāriṃśat सप्तचत्वारिंशत् 48. aṣṭācatvāriṃśat अष्टाचत्वारिंशत् 49. navacatvāriṃśat नवचत्वारिंशत् 50. pañcāśat पञ्चाशत् |
51. ekapañcāśat एकपञ्चाशत् 52. dvipañcāśat द्विपञ्चाशत् 53. tripañcāśat त्रिपञ्चाशत् 54. catuḥpañcāśat चतुःपञ्चाशत् 55. pañcapañcāśat पञ्चपञ्चाशत् 56. ṣaṭpañcāśat षट्पञ्चाशत् 57. saptapañcāśat सप्तपञ्चाशत् 58. aṣṭāpañcāśat अष्टापञ्चाशत् 59. navapañcāśat नवपञ्चाशत् 60. ṣaṣṭi षष्टि |
70. saptati सप्तति 80. aśīti असीति 90. navati नवति 100. śatam शतम् 200. dviśatam द्विशतम् 1000: sahasram सहस्रम् 100,000 (lakh): lakṣam लक्षम् 1,000,000: niyutam नियुतम् 10,000,000 (crore): kotiḥ कोतिः |

- Firstly, here's some samples for 1st column for you to practice.
- hastayoḥ bhavati (हस्तयोः भवति) = hastayorbhavati (हस्तयोर्भवति)
- bhūḥ hasati (भूः हसति) = _____.
- saḥ naraiḥ vadati (सः नरैः वदति ) = _____.
- sā śrutīḥ smarati (सा श्रुतीः स्मरति) = _____.
- śrutīḥ tiṣṭhati (श्रुतीः तिष्ठति) = _____.
- Let's address the EXCEPTION in the red square in above picture:
- When 1st word ends in ḥ and meets 2nd word starting with “r (र्)“, then (1) ḥ disappears, and (2) if i (ई) / u (उ) precede ḥ, then they become ī (ई) / ū (ऊ).
- EG:
- śrutiḥ rāmaḥ = śrutīrāmaḥ (श्रुतिः रामः = श्रुतीरामः )
- guruḥ rāmaḥ = gurūrāmaḥ (गुरुः रामः = गुरूरामः )
- EG:
- When 1st word ends in r and meets 2nd word starting with “r (र्)“, then (1) r disappears in 1st word, and (2) if a / i / u precede r in 1st word, then they become ā (आ) / ī (ई) / ū (ऊ).
- EG: du
r+ rakta = dūrakta (दुर् + रक्त = दूरक्त)
- EG: du
- When 1st word ends in ḥ and meets 2nd word starting with “r (र्)“, then (1) ḥ disappears, and (2) if i (ई) / u (उ) precede ḥ, then they become ī (ई) / ū (ऊ).
- There are many kinds of verbs. They can be divided into 3 categories: Past, Present, Future.
- Let's cover two kinds of Present Tense verbs (happening right NOW):
- Parasmaipada: Active voice.
- Found on pg 118.
- EG: gacchati, pṛcchati, vadati, vasati, pibati, etc.
- Theoretically, action is going to someone else.
- EG: Rāma goes to the horse.
- In dictionary indicated by: P (प्)
- Ātmanepada: Middle voice.
- Found on pg 119.
- EG: bhāṣate (he/she/it speaks), manyate (he/she/it thinks), labhate (he/she/it obtains).
- Theoretically, action is going unto doer of the action.
- EG: I think, I exercise, I meditate.
- In dictionary indicated by: Ā (आ)
- Ubhayapada: Takes either.
- These verbs can take either Active (P) OR Middle (Ā) endings.
- EG: 3rd person, single for “He/she/it thinks”: cintayati (OR) cintayate
- In dictionary indicated by: U (उ)
- Which one should I use if verb takes both?
- Rather stick to always using either Active or Middle.
- Parasmaipada: Active voice.
- How to know which one to use?
- There's no rule. Use whichever verb is needed to make a sentence.
- What's the main difference between Active (P) / Middle (Ā)?
- Only difference is endings. That's it! In terms of which is more significant, is an invalid question.
- If there is a ḥ in middle of word, how to pronounce? Gentle puff of air, like blowing out.
- EG: duḥkham दुःखम्
- Familiarize and attempt to Memorize new verse: The Resplendent Moon.
- Exercises on Pg 97:
- 6 (a-h)
- 7 (a-h)
- 7e has spelling mistake.
- Wrong: पुस्तकेन (pustakena)
- Correct: पुस्तके न (pustake na)
- Wrong: पुस्तकेन (pustakena)
- 7e has spelling mistake.
- 9 (1-12)
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 6 Dec, 2020
Namo Namah
On verse – “akase candrama bhati padmam bhati sarovare” good comments in the video. Thanks
Some more ideas to add – Moon shines and spreads the light even though it has no light of his own, similarly Lotus grows in a pond full of mud and makes it beautiful. We all can contribute some goodness, irrespective of our environment. ( No excuses 🙂 )
Wonderful observations Avnish!