Lesson 29: Sanskrit for Beginners Course


Assignment #2. Intro to LRB (Little Red Book) of paradigms.

Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One



  • Pg 151-155, #1-3 (all exercises). Including “Monkey and Crocodile” story.
  • Deadline for Assignment 2 due: March 21 2021. Submit to [email protected]. Can write or type devanāgarī. No Roman/IAST.
    • Guidelines:
      • Do not share file. It's strictly for students. Link will be removed by 21 March.
      • May only submit if attended webinar more then 5 times.
      • Why submit? It's only way I will give feedback/answers.
  • We meet up again 14th March. Wise to spread the homework throughout the days.


You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.


Recorded 21 Feb, 2021



  1. Extra eyes on this sandhi please…Im not entirely sure 🙂

    Lesson 11, Exercise 3.g
    “Where is our daughter?” the hero asks his wife

    Without sandhi,
    कुत्र आवयोः बाला अस्ति इति वीरः तस्य भार्याम् पृच्छति

    With sandhi,
    कुत्रावयोर्बालास्तीति वीरस्तस्य भार्यां पृच्छति

  2. Thanks for checking the above Andre. I have more Sandhi questions 🙂 (Asking here so others can benefit as well)

    For practice, I have been putting together examples of as many sandhi combinations from the tables as possible at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ORgI55jvR7-W92rh82sDRVwhNKtL-ZVoHZ0Q4-WK3Uw/edit#heading=h.pouwih4khz39

    I am confused about rules around joining words (or not) after sandhi.

    Visarga Sandhi :

    For example,
    रामः + गच्छति = रामो गच्छति (the words do not join into one word after sandhi is applied)
    रामः + तिष्ठति = रामस्तिष्ठति (the words join and become one word after sandhi is applied)

    In the book (Chapter 9, Pg 109, point 5), it says “After sandhi rules have been applied, if the first word ends in a vowel (including ḥ), then there is a break between words in devanāgarī.

    Could you please demystify with some examples?

    Vowel Sandhi : In the vowel sandhi, as far as I can tell, except for words ending “e” and “ai”, the rest of the words join into one word after sandhi is applied. Is my understanding correct?

    Consonant Sandhi : In the consonant sandhi, you have a table that clearly shows where the words join and where they dont.

    1. ==========
      In the book (Chapter 9, Pg 109, point 5), it says “After sandhi rules have been applied, if the first word ends in a vowel (including ḥ), then there is a break between words in devanāgarī.

      It just means: Only apply sandhi once. Don’t apply it twice.

      EG 1: kanye smarataḥ iti = kanye smarata iti ( कन्ये स्मरत इति )
      EG 2: rāmaḥ eva = rāma eva ( राम एव )

      In reference to WORD1aḥ + VOWELword2, it means: Don’t join the words after applying sandhi, as seen in above examples.

      Vowel Sandhi : In the vowel sandhi, as far as I can tell, except for words ending “e” and “ai”, the rest of the words join into one word after sandhi is applied. Is my understanding correct?

      Referring to table pg 89: All join, except “e” and “ai”.

      How to know for certain what joins/doesn’t? Go to LRB, pg 61-63.

      When you see ” – ” AFTER the letter, it means it joins to the next word.

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