Lesson 47: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Dvandva & Tatpurusha Revision
Fate of Effort verse. Dvandva & Tatpuruṣa compounds revision.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
This session deals with: Practice of CH18, pg 233-235. We didn't learn any new content.
Case-tatpuruṣa (case-tp) Sentences:
Actions of devotees come from grace of the Lord. | bhaktakarmānīśvaraprasādādāgacchanti भक्तकर्मानीश्वरप्रसादादागच्छन्ति |
The poet lead his two friends with my horses. (don’t use saha) | kaviḥ mama aśvaiḥ tasya mitre anayat kavirmadaśvaistanmitre ‘nayat कविः मम अश्वैः तस्य मित्रे अनयत् कविर्मदश्वैस्तन्मित्रे ‘नयत् |
The quick–brown-fox jumped over the lazy dog. | alasakukkurasyopari śīghrapiṅgalaśṛgālo ‘kūrdat अलसकुक्कुरस्योपरि शीघ्रपिङ्गलशृगालो ऽकूर्दत् |
Karmadhāraya (kd) Sentences:
The [thirsty (pipāsu पिपासु [adj]) animals] drank [much water] [from the big (tumra तुम्र [adj]) pond]. | [pipāsavaḥpl mṛgāḥ] [tumrāyāḥ(senā, abl) vāpyāḥ] [bahuacc jalam] apiban pipāsumṛgāstumravāpyā bahujalamapiban [पिपासवः मृगाः] [तुम्रायाः वाप्याः] [बहु जलम्] अपिबन् पिपासुमृगास्तुम्रवाप्या बहुजलमपिबन् |
Among thousand similar cows, small lamb finds own mother. | sahasrasamānadhenvā antare, alpagovatsaḥ svamātaraṃ vindati सहस्रसमानधेन्वा अन्तरे अल्पगोवत्सः स्वमातरं विन्दति |
- PG 238: Revisit vocab.
- PG 239:
- 4 a-f
- 5 a-f
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Recorded 29 Aug, 2021