Lesson 58: Sanskrit for Beginners Course – Bahuvrihi
CH21. Revision of compounds + last major compound: bahuvrihi.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part Two
Session deals with: Vol 2, PG51-54.
Compound Revision:
- Dvandva:
- All members important.
- 2 Types:
- Itaretara
- X & Y.
- EG: sītārāmau सीतारामौ : Sita and Rama.
- samāhāra
- Always single, neuter.
- EG: jīvitam kuśalarogena āgacchati जीवितम् कुशलरोगेन आगच्छति : Living comes with health & disease.
- Itaretara
- Tatpuruṣa:
- Case-tp
- Case + noun (OR) Pronoun + Noun. EG:
- Case + noun:
- rāmaputraḥ रामपुत्रः : Son of Rāma.
- dehaprāṇaḥ jīvitam tvām karoti : Prana in the body makes you alive.
- Pronoun + Noun:
- mad + manaḥ = manmanaḥ मन्मनः : My mind.
- Kd (karmadhāraya)
- Adj + noun (OR) Noun + noun.
- EG:
- tejascetaḥ तेजस्चेतः : Bright mind.
- śaraṇagṛham शरणगृहम् : Shelter house.
- tpu (Upapada):
- Last member = verb root + declined like nara/senā/phala.
- EG: tapas + √sthā = tapaḥsthaḥ/ā/m तपःस्थः
- Case-tp
Bahuvrīhi compound:
- Implied meaning.
- Compound = adj (describing something else).
- Last member MUST take same gender/case/number of NOUN outside it.
- What paradigm to use for last member?
- It's family paradigm. EG: LRB1,2,3 | LRB4,5,6 | LRB24,25. | etc…
- How to tell whether compound is (a) case-tp (b) kd (c) bv?
- EG: mahāgajaḥ(/rājā/etc) could be translated:
- Elephant of the great (case-tp)
- Great elephant (kd)
- One whose elephant is great / Having a great elephant (bv)
- (1) Context tells. (2) Instant indicator it's a bv: Last member won't end with it's own paradigm.
- EG: mahāgajaḥ(/rājā/etc) could be translated:
- Examples…
mahāgajaḥnom putram apṛcchat महागजः पुत्रम् अपृच्छत् |
(Man/He/One whose elephant is great), asked [his] son. |
mahāgajānom putrikām apṛcchat महागजा पुत्रिकाम् अपृच्छत् |
(Woman/She/One whose elephant is great), asked [her] daughter. |
F: kauśalam iha sthitabuddhyā(fem LRB6) labhyate कौशलम् इह स्थितबुद्ध्या लभ्यते |
Skill in this world is obtained (by one having an established intellect). |
M: kauśalam iha sthitabuddhinā(fem > mas LRB4) labhyate कौशलम् इह स्थितबुद्धिना लभ्यते |
Skill in this world is obtained (by one having an established intellect). |
bahuprajaḥ (f > mas LRB1) bhāryāyai vanāt phalāni labhate बहुप्रजः भार्यायै वनात् फलानि लभते |
(Man with many children / Husband with many children), obtains fruits from the forest for [his] wife. |
sundaramukhaḥ rājā putrikām vadati सुन्दरमुखः राजा पुत्रिकाम् वदति |
The king (whose face is beautiful) speaks to [his] daughter. |
sajalā(n > fem LRB3) nadī samudre gacchati सजला नदी समुद्रे गच्छति |
River (with water)adj goes into the ocean. |
sattvamanāḥ(n LRB25 > mas LRB24) ubhe kauśalam sukham ca labhate सत्त्वमनाः उभे कौशलम् सुखम् च लभते |
(He whose mind is pure) obtains both prosperity and happiness. |
niścalamanobhiḥ निश्चलमनोभिः |
By those whose minds are unmoving. / By minds which are unmoving. |
Rel-Corel Combination: | |
(yasya prajñā sthitā) (sa sthitaprajñaḥ) (यस्य प्रज्ञा स्थिता) (स स्थितप्रज्ञः) |
Whose intellect is steady, he is steady-intellect. |
(prajñā sthitā yasya) (sa sthitaprajñaḥ) (प्रज्ञा स्थिता यस्य) (स स्थितप्रज्ञः) |
He whose intellect is steady, is steady-intellect. |
(viśvaḥ rūpaḥ yasya) (sa viśvarūpaḥ) (विश्वः रूपः यस्य) (स विश्वरूपः) |
He whose form is all, is all-form. |
- Revise Spoken Sanksrit 21.
- Familiarize with vocab on PG55.
- Do exercises PG56, 5a-i.
- If finish early, construct 3 bahuvrīhi sentences using PG55 vocab + passive on PG37/38.
- EG: (One whose intelligence is great), is protected (from those whose thoughts are dark).
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 9 Jan, 2022