Lesson 66: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Periphrastic Future
CH24. Periphrastic Future.
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part Two
Session deals with: VOL2, L24, PG 112-115
Periphrastic future:
- Exactly same as simple future (IE: He/she/it will VERB). Used less often then simple future.
- Comparison Example:
Eng: | Simple Future (sfut) |
Periphrastic (pfut) |
He will remember | smariṣyati स्मरिष्यति | smartā स्मर्ता |
- How to form?
- [ guṇa of √root + tā ता / itā इता ] + [ asti ending except 3rd person, which takes endings of LRB19/20 ]
- EG: I will go
- √smṛ स्मृ 1P > smar स्मर् > smartā स्मर्ता + asmi अस्मि = smartāsmi स्मर्तास्मि
- PARADIGM: He/she/it will go (V2PG113)
- Good news: Same endings for all 10 verb classes, whether Ā/P.
- Examples: More in V2PG114
English: (First 3 most common. Others rarely seen.) | Periphrastic Future |
He will do | Kartā सेविता |
He will go | Gantā गन्ता |
He will give | Dātā दाता |
He will serve | Sevitā सेविता |
He will smile | Smetā स्मेता |
He will see | Draṣṭā द्रष्टा |
She will play | Devitā देविता |
She will establish | Sthātā स्थाता |
She will enjoy | Rantā रन्ता |
She will think | Mantā मन्ता |
- PG 107: Figure out what verse is saying.
- Step 1: Brake down sandhi.
- Step 2: Write Eng word above.
- Step 3: Put it together.
- Step 4: Compare to original.
- PG 114-115: Write out 10 sentences, including various Periphrastic future words. Use various cases/number for familiarity.
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 20 March, 2022