Lesson 7: Sanskrit for Beginners Course: Sentence Order
Finished theory of Lesson 4 in book (pg 34, 35).
Source: Introduction to Sanskrit (4th Ed) – Thomas Egenes – Part One
- Textbook PDF file used in class. It is 3rd Ed. (Copyright: Book is by Thomas Egenes. To support his work, consider buying the book.)
- Template we used in class for conversation practice.
- Sentence order? Subject(nominative) object(accusative) verb. (S.O.V)
- naraḥ aśvam gacchati (The man goes to the horse).
- The nominative and verb ALWAYS agree in number. EG:
- naraḥ(single) gacchati(single)
- narāḥ(plural) gacchanti(plural)
- naraḥ(single) gacchati(single)
- Rule of apposition: EG: (L4, pg33 #2)
- “Rāma, the boy, goes to the horse.” Both Rāma and boy are nominative.
- “The horse goes to Rāma, the king.” Both Rāma and king are accusative.
- Rule of “vā” (or): (L4, pg35)
- When two nominatives are connected by “vā”, then verb agrees(in number) with the nominative closest to it. EG:
- aśvaḥ gajāḥ vā gacchanti (The horse or the elephants are going.)
- aśvau gajaḥ vā gacchati (The two horses or the elephant is going.)
- When two nominatives are connected by “vā”, then verb agrees(in number) with the nominative closest to it. EG:
- Nominative + verb? Drop the “He/she/it”. EG:
- gacchati (He/she/it goes.) | naraḥ gacchati (The man goes.)
- vadati (He/she/it speaks.) | naraḥ vadati (The man speaks.)
- Memorize all words on Spoken Sanskrit pg 1-5. Here is pronunciation for latest words on page 5.
- At least TWO verses should've been memorized by now: Practice, Ornaments, Here there, Blades of Grass
- Memorize the “nara” paradigm for Nominative/Accusative. (pg 40)
- Memorize all book words we've done so far. (pg 40)
- Remember the “gaccha” paradigm forwards, backwards, diagonal. (pg 40)
- Practice devanāgarī writing. Print and practice: 1, 2, 3, 4
You'll have more questions throughout the course. How to ask? Leave in comments below, so others can also benefit. We'll respond within 48 hours. Only ask specific to this Lesson.
Recorded 6 Sept, 2020
It is really hard for me to follow the course without a live group. Would you be restarting any soon?
Are you Melbourne, AU?
I’m fortunate that the recorded classes have been very instructive. Of course, practice is never abandoned!
Oh! Just saw that you didn’t got my reply, sorry about that. No, I’m in Mexico 🙁 Thank you for the recorded classes and the link of The Joy of Sanskrit. I’ll try keep going.