
One Consciousness, Many Minds – Part 27

In previous part 26, a common assumption was corrected, “If one mind is liberated from the false notion of separateness, then all minds should also be liberated”. It was…


Maya’s Veiling and Projecting Power – Part 22

In previous part 21, we asked “What causes projection of ignorance?” The cause of ignorance is partial knowledge and the effect is partial ignorance or projection. Suppose I say…


What Causes Projection or Ignorance? – Part 21

In previous part 20, we demonstrated how superimposition produces a genuine response in the world. Despite the value-neutral status of rope, the victim jumps in fear, mistaking it as…


Reality of Maya’s Superimposition – Part 20

In previous part 19, we’ve established that a superimposition is when name-form is projected onto an unchanging base. For example… Ring has a name called “r-i-n-g”. It also has…


How Maya Superimposes ‘On’ Existence – Part 19

In previous part 18, we’ve seen that even after knowledge of oneness takes place, the world doesn’t change it’s dualistic nature. Only the person’s relationship with the world changes….


All is One? But I See Many. Cause and Effect – Part 15

In previous part 14, student attempted to reconcile statement “Ishvara is knowledge” and ignorance. How can the two co-exist! This was clarified by saying that “knowledge” refers to that…


Difference Between Consciousness & Sentiency – Part 13

In previous part 12, we resolved contradiction how can relative-words reveal absolute-reality, when words themselves are limited. Now nature of question turns to resolving differences despite all being One……


Is there ‘Creation’?

Nothing can ever be created. Matter cannot be created. To say “something is created” is to imply it’s not already within Creation. Which sets up an unsolvable equation; duality…